Vocabulary 6-10 Wendy Espinoza
Other forms of the word: Deplore(v) (d-plôr, -plr) Other forms of the word: Deplored, deplores, deploringly Feel or show strong disapproval Many students deplore the idea of homework. A way to remember is that disagree and deplore both begin with “D”
Incongruously, incongruousness Not in harmony Incongruous(adj) \in-käŋ-grə-wəs\ Other forms of word: Incongruously, incongruousness Not in harmony He had a reaction that was incongruous towards his character. Think of incongruous as incompatible meaning that they do not work together
Disenfranchise(trans. v) \ˌdis-in-ˈfran-ˌchīz\ Other forms of word: Disenfranchisement , disenfranchised To prevent the right to vote Women were disenfranchised for many years until the ratification of the 19th amendment. The prefix “dis” means apart or away??
Enumerative, enumerate, enumerated, enumerating Enumeration \i-ˈn(y)ü-mə-ˌrāt\ Other forms of word: Enumerative, enumerate, enumerated, enumerating To name one after the other in a list She had to enumerate all her assignments before she could put them away. A way to remember is that enumeration and numeration both have to do with numbers
Lacking sense or understanding Insensate \(ˌ)in-ˈsen-ˌsāt, -sət\ Other forms of word: insensately Lacking sense or understanding The instruction given on the assignment were insensate, for I did not know where to begin.