DLS SG Closing Report Date: 2007-07-20 Authors: March 2007 Month Year Harry Worstell (AT&T) John Doe, Some Company
Month Year March 2007 Abstract This submission provides the DLS SG closing report for the July 2007 (San Francisco) meeting of 802.11 Slide 2 Harry Worstell (AT&T) John Doe, Some Company
DLS SG Accomplishments for San Francisco (July 2007) Month Year July 2007 DLS SG Accomplishments for San Francisco (July 2007) 1 Technical Presentation 11-07-2061-00-0dls-fair-and-protected-DLS Selected a recommendation to the Working Group Chair for TG Chair Slide 3 Harry Worstell (AT&T) John Doe, Some Company
Month 2002 March 2007 Motion (1) Move to request the IEEE 802.11 Working Group to approve the PAR and 5 Criteria document IEEE 802.11-07/0225r2 and forward it to ExCom for Approval Moved: Menzo Wentink Second: Michael Livshitz Vote: 22/0/2 Slide 4 Harry Worstell (AT&T) Suman Sharma, Intel Corporation John Doe, His Company