Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) The Parsley Family
Apiaceae Diversity: 420 genera/2,500-3,000 species Geographic Distribution: Cosmopolitan, but mainly North Temperate
Recognition Characters: Aromatic herbs with alternate compound leaves Stems hollow, ridged Leaf bases sheathing
Apiaceae - Parsley Family Inflorescence is an umbel, usually compound
Apiaceae Ca5 Co5 A5 G 2 Flowers actinomorphic, 5-merous, often white or yellow Stylopodium present Fruit a schizocarp
Local Flora: of wetlands Sium suave Water parsnip Cicuta bulbifera Bulblet hemlock
Osmorhiza longistylis Local Flora: of woodlands Osmorhiza longistylis Sweet cicely Zizia aurea Golden alexanders Sanicula marilandica Black snakeroot
Culinary Herbs of the Parsley Family (Apiaceae) cilantro dill