Year 11 Islam Revision Exam 20th May
You are going to see a series of images You are going to see a series of images. Try to write down everything that you know relating to the image. Muslim Beliefs
Tawhid Adl Nubuwwah Imamah Mi’ad
You are going to see a series of images You are going to see a series of images. Try to write down everything that you know relating to the image. Living the Muslim Life
Tawalla Zakah Jihad Hajj Amr-bil-Maroof Khums Salah Tabarra Sawn Nahi Anil Munkar
You are going to see a series of images You are going to see a series of images. Try to write down everything that you know relating to the image. Crime and Punishment
You are going to see a series of images You are going to see a series of images. Try to write down everything that you know relating to the image. Peace and Conflict