Did Newham need the help of the Olympics?
In today’s lesson you will Outline the main issues facing Newham using a selection of economic data Annotate photos to show the issues Conclude what problems need to be addressed Work in pairs of threes on selection of data. Consider why it is a problem. Think back to module 2 – what theories / issues can we think of to add weight to our presentations Present our work to the class Conclude – what were the issues to address?
People born in other EU Countries 1.6 3.06 1.41 Newham London England People born in England % 60.34 69.87 87.44 People born in other EU Countries 1.6 3.06 1.41 People born elsewhere 35.61 21.83 6.91
Council Tax Band A Dwellings: Percentage % 4.8 3.48 24.84 Newham London England Council Tax Band A Dwellings: Percentage % 4.8 3.48 24.84 Council Tax Band B Dwellings: Percentage 30.44 13.57 19.58 Council Tax Band C Dwellings: Percentage 45.35 27.06 21.76 Council Tax Band D Dwellings: Percentage 15.71 25.49 15.31 Council Tax Band E Dwellings: Percentage 2.89 15.11 9.44 Number of people per hectare 67 46 4
Low Birthweight Live Births % 9.4 7.5 7.2 Newham London England Under 18 Conceptions Rate per 1000 45 45.7 41.7 Low Birthweight Live Births % 9.4 7.5 7.2 Infant Mortality 5.1 4.3 4.6 Life Expectancy at Birth; Males Years 76.2 78.6 78.3 Life Expectancy at Birth; Females 80.5 83.1 82.3
All Pupils at the End of KS4 Achieving 5+ A* - C % 69.3 77.8 76.1 Newham London England All Pupils at the End of KS4 Achieving 5+ A* - C % 69.3 77.8 76.1 All Pupils at the End of KS4 Achieving 5+ A* - G 95.1 95.3 94.7
All People of Working Age Claiming a Key Benefit % 22 15 Newham London England All People of Working Age Claiming a Key Benefit % 22 15 Jobseeker's Allowance Claimants 6 4 Incapacity Benefits Claimants 9 7
Multiple Deprivation… when an area has a combination of problems that need to be addressed before it can change for the better
What theories could we link this to? Cycle of decline Clark Fisher Model Brownfield land Urban decay De-industrialisation Migration policy Others?
Grade E Grade C Grade A*-A Describe the problems of Newham without using any data or evidence. Grade C Describe the problems and use some evidence from the table. Grade A*-A Pick out selected pieces of evidence to highlight the problems in Newham. Show how one problem can cause another. Link in some geographical theories – such as deindustrialisation, derelict land, unemployment --> social problems.