High Resolution DEM Creation for Majuro Airport Elizabeth Lomani MarTina Corporation
Airport Background Majuro, Marshall Islands Elevation: 2 meters Max Runway: 2407 x 46 meters Accommodate 25 flights per week International flights Cargo flights Domestic flights Important infrastructures Airport Water catchment for the island
Important infrastructures Pipelines Reservoir Airport
Steps to Creating the Airport DEM Results from topographic survey Convert DXF to GIS format Digitised spot heights Export to Access for data integrity checks Export to Erdas DTM creation in Erdas
Convert DXF to GIS format Too many files to go through. Opening files proved to be tedious and time consuming
Digitising spot heights Contour lines without elevation values Extracting elevation values from original file More than one feature on one file 1 2 3
Result of Digitising 5 people digitised the spot heights 14,000 points digitised 10,00 points - useful
Export to Access for data integrity checks Null Values Unrealistic heights Conversion from feet to meters
DTM Creation Surface model was created Holes in the middle of the airport Negative values Typos
2030 Sea level rise inundation model 16cm sea level rise Spatial Analysis Area loss 20% Infrastructure affected
2055 Sea level rise inundation model 30cm sea level rise Spatial Analysis Area loss 50% Infrastructures affected
2090 inundation model 60cm sea level rise Spatial Analysis Area loss More than 90% Infrastructures affected