Community Services Officer Moira Groborz Community Services Officer
What funding is available? Each ward councillor has £1,500 allocation First allocation runs from Sept 2016 – March 2017 Second allocation runs from April 2017 – March 2018 Underspend from first will be rolled over into 2017-18
Who can be funded? Not for profit groups so long as they have a constitution or governing document and the activity benefits the people of Braintree District e.g. registered charities, voluntary or community groups, parish councils, sports clubs, village hall committees, recreation ground committees Who can’t be funded Individuals, private businesses, profit making organisations, informal groups
What can be funded? Capital costs e.g. IT equipment, sports equipment, playground equipment, building improvements, energy efficiency measures Revenue costs e.g. rent, training fees, salaries, professional fees New or existing projects What can’t be funded Projects promoting a particular political view, religion or general appeals, purchase of alcohol, statutory obligations, CCTV, repayment of loans or interest charges, fundraising activities
What can be funded Organisations can apply more than once but must be different projects Support can come from more than one councillor Councillors decide whether to support or not 100% funding available – no match-funding required Normally spent within 6 months of receipt of grant Simple terms & conditions apply including participation in publicity Can’t process applications during elections
Examples Witham Bowls Club – £252 to purchase 6 bowls pushers Gestingthorpe Cricket Club - £495 towards the cost of a new scoreboard Bocking Sports Club - £1,072 to purchase a manual barrier to secure the car park Ridgewell Village Hall – £184to purchase portable goal posts Little Maplestead Parish Council - £750 to reroute a path across the playing field NETTS - £500 towards the costs of improving lighting and purchasing new tables
How to apply Contact your ward councillor(s) Initial discussion about what you want funding for Receive an application form from the councillor, complete it and return it to the councillor Simple application form (NOT downloadable) Guidance booklet available online Quick turn around (weeks rather than months) Submit an application at any time