Pettis County Retail Trade Analysis December 27, 2000 Pettis County Advisory Panel Meeting Sedalia, MO
Why is the Retail Sector Important? Employment Retail Sales Local government sales tax revenues Local quality of life Firms’ location decisions
Retail Trade Analysis Total retail sales Per capita retail sales Analysis Tools Trade area capture Pull factor Potential sales Sales and analysis by detailed category
Total Retail Sales: Pettis County and Sedalia
Total Retail Sales: Pettis and surrounding counties
Per Capita Retail Sales: Pettis County and Missouri
Per Capita Retail Sales: Pettis and surrounding counties
Retail Trade Analysis: Trade Area Capture Measures the number of customers that are being served by the local retail sector Based on state average expenditures, adjusting for differences in per capita income Trade area capture is compared to county population If greater than population, then the retail sector is attracting customers from outside the county
Trade Area Capture: Pettis and surrounding counties
Retail Trade Analysis: Pull Factor Measures the portion of customers that a local area draws from outside its boundaries A pull factor greater than 1.0 indicates an “export” sector A pull factor less than 1.0 indicates an “import” sector
Pull Factor: Pettis and surrounding counties
Retail Trade Analysis: Potential Sales An estimate of the retail sales level that could be achieved if the retail sector captured 100 percent of the local market Compared to the actual retail sales level If potential sales are greater than the actual sales, the county is drawing customers from outside its boundary
Potential Sales: Pettis and surrounding counties
Detailed Retail Trade Sectors Building materials and garden supplies General merchandise stores Food stores Automotive dealers Gasoline service stations Apparel and accessory stores Furniture and home furnishings stores Eating and drinking places Miscellaneous retail Drug stores and proprietary stores Hotels and lodging places Auto repair services
Analysis by Category: Trade Area Capture
Analysis by Category: Pull Factor
Analysis by Category: Potential Sales
Issues to Consider Increasing county retail sales: Existing firms capture more retail dollars from local residents Existing firms increase sales to incommuters or tourists New retail firms fill a gap in the local retail sector Local demand for retail goods increases Changes occurring nationwide Concentration of sales in “super-centers” Catalog, mail-order, and internet shopping
More information: Retail Trade Analysis for Missouri and County Summaries