13th LFS Workshop on Methodology Reykjavík 17th and 18th of May 2018 Anton Örn Karlsson Ólafur Már Sigurðsson 06/07/2019
Venue National Museum of Iceland 06/07/2019
Social event A walking tour of Reykjavík 06/07/2019
Main topics of the workshop Survey design and sampling Special session on breaks in time series Register-based labour market statistics Sample frames Questionnaire design, Focusing on web-interviewing and multi-mode data collection Dependent interviewing Trade-off between proxy interviews and non-response or cold deck imputation from registers Sampling and precision of estimates, focusing at the regional level Weighting methods Including consistent weighting across subsamples (monthly, quarterly, annual, longitudinal and household subsampling) 06/07/2019
Preliminary dates December 2017: Present list of topics at LAMAS and sent via email to LFS colleagues January 22nd 2018: Call for papers Registration opens March 29th 2018: Workshop program ready and sent to participants Speakers notified Registration closes April 16th 2018: Session chairs selected May 2nd 2018: Papers and presentations uploaded to the workshop website 06/07/2019
Contact Email: lfs2018@hagstofa.is Website under construction… Will be announced at a later stage 06/07/2019
We look forward to see you in Reykjavík! 06/07/2019