Al servizio di gente unica Workshop II. Regional Airports. Regional airports: accessibility and intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – August, Tuesday 24th 2010
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Starting points: Regional airports accessibility has increasingly become a critical question; investments on airport accessibility through sustainable modes of transport are required, also by passengers; exchange of information and best practices regarding specific national solutions and measures taken in congestion cases are recommended at EU level.
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th How to proceed: Taking into account budget constraints; Improving existing infrastructure network; Upgrading accessibility through intermodality and sustainable modes of transport; Looking for best practices on passengers accessibility to Airports.
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Funds finding: open questions EU TEN-T funds within Annual and Multi-annual Programme ? Are EU structural funds to be exploited? Which are the most suitable 2007 – 2013 Objectives/Programmes? Objective 1 Convergence and 2 Regional Competitiveness and Employment? Or Objective 3 European Territorial Cooperation? Is there any State Aid issue?
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Friuli Venezia Giulia case study: 1) infrastructural development of the intermodal hub annexed to Ronchi dei Legionari airport (Trieste) – Objective ) setting up a light railway network with bordering regions/states – Objective
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th 1) Type of intervention: development of existing infrastructure Target: the whole intermodal hub including the regional Airport Objective: support of the small regional airport by improving its accessibility via development of the infrastructural environment Small regional airport = pivotal trigger investment for the whole regional intermodality
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Geographical location:
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Geographic al location:
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Accessibility: railway network and ports Bologna Rimini Trento Ferrara Forlì Fiume (HR) Klagenfurt (A) Padova Belluno Bolzano Rovigo Venezia Pordenone Treviso Vicenza Udine Lubiana (SLO) Trieste Gorizia Pola (HR) Porto Nogaro Monfalcone Capodistria (SLO) Zagabria (HR)
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Area of intervention:
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Area of interventio n: Existing railway line
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Developmen t phase: first funtional tranche
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Transport demand estimation (medium):
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Transport demand estimation (max):
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th 1) Type of intervention: what is planned to be financed? PUBLIC INFRASTRUSTUCTURES new internal viability for a speed and smooth connection of all the parts of the intermodal hub Parking area New train-stop next to the airport (~ 200 m) Public transport bus station
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Funds involved: Regional laws and administrative acts transferring public resources from the Regional budget to the Gorizia Province and Ronchi dei Legionari Municipality budget EC Dec. C(2007) 5717, 20/11/2007, approving ROP ERDF (2007 – 2013, Objective 2)
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Possible State aid involvement? - Regional Airport Guidelines (2005 C- 312/01) This section concerns aid for the construction of airport infrastructure and equipment or facilities that directly support them as defined in paragraphs 53(i) and 54 above airport infrastructure and equipment (runways, terminals, aprons, control tower) or facilities that directly support them (fire-fighting facilities, security or safety equipment) NOT part of the airport GROUNDS in the strict meaning of the EC definition of airport infrastructure
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Possible State aid involvement? - its a matter of economic advantage - The infrastructural intervention is meant to improve the regional intermodality as a strategic transport policy which indirectly benefits among others the pivotal actor within the intermodal hub = the airport manager positive externality Reasonable conclusion: General measure of economic policy within the regional transport and land-use / location planning strategy
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Possible State aid involvement? - precautionary competition friendly attitude If it is not possible to rule out the possibility of State aid, the measure in question must be notified if aid is involved, it may be declared compatible if the infrastructure … 1) airport infrastructure and equipment (runways) is constructed and operated pursuing a clearly defined objective of general interest 2) is necessary and proportional to the objective which has been set 3) is open to all potential users in an equal and non-discriminatory manner 4) has satisfactory medium-term prospects for use, in particular as regards the use of existing infrastructure 5) does not imply the affection of trade to an extent contrary to the Community interest
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th 2) Type of intervention: making the most of territorial cooperation Crossborder cooperation project ADRIA A – (Programme Italy – Slovenia 2007 – 2013) will carry out a study on airport development in the crossborder Programme area and on the impact on the competitivity of airports of a new railway link among Venice, Trieste and Ljubljana airports Venice Ljubljan a Treviso 120 km
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th 2) Type of intervention: making the most of territorial cooperation - ADRIA A project Phase 1): definition of airport competitivity and status quo assessment; Phase 2): definition of the role of rail transport and assessment of its impact on airport competitivity
Regional Airports: Accessibility and Intermodality AER SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 – Workshop II – Tuesday, August 24th Thank you for your attention! Massimiliano Angelotti Tel