Meet the KH CHAMPIONS. Nicolly, Wesley, Prayers, Shirley, Kris, Levyi, Asia’nae, Nathan, Alassane, Mobushra, Grace, Emmanual & Alisha.
What is a KH CHAMPION…? To think and act like a CHAMPION. A champion has to be resilient. Has to never give up & always aim high. To always show empathy. To be supportive, a good listener & easy to talk too. To have courage and face their fears. To be responsible.
Why did we want to become a KH CHAMPION…? To help and support our peers to be confident, resilient and to face their fears. To bring confidence standards up to a whole new level. To stand up to all bullies. To spread a positive message across the school. To give back by sharing our ideas, skills & strength.
How has being a KH Champion made a difference in our lives so far…? Personal stories shared by the following CHAMPIONS – Wesley Nicolly Alisha, Nathan & Emmanual. Shirley.
What are the KH champions vision for the future…? To make our peers feel safe, secure and to achieve. For our peers to have have a voice & present their ideas to a panel like this. To make other children feel proud & confident when walking around the school. To use these skills in Secondary School, College & University. To let all children know that with hard work they can aspire to be a Head Teacher, Doctor or even the Prime Minister .
Where you can find us In the play hut at lunch times aka the safe place. In the classroom. Around the school. We will always aim to have a smile on our faces.
How can SLT support us in our role..? Support us with finding solutions together when we do not have the answer. Find time to give us feedback about our roles.
Questions to SLT Do you think you know more about our role as KH CHAMPION…? Are you happy to support us..? If yes how will you do this..? Have you got any suggestions on how we can be the best CHAMPIONS…?
Closing and Thank you.