September 10th 2013 – Vocab, List 2 Root Word: audi Definition: hear Word One: Word Two: auditory audition Definition: Definition: Of or relating to the sense of hearing An interview for a particular role that requires the demonstration to be heard.
September 10th 2013 – Vocab, List 2 Root Word: spec Definition: look Word One: Word Two: perspective spectrum Definition: Definition: A particular attitude toward or way of looking at things; point of view To look at something and classify it in a series
September 11th 2013 – Vocab, List 2 Root Word: phon Definition: sound Word One: Word Two: phonetic cacophony Definition: Definition: In relation to sounds of speech A harsh mixture of sounds
September 12th 2013 – Vocab, List 2 Root Word: son Definition: sound Word One: Word Two: sonnet dissonance Definition: Definition: A lack of harmonic sounds among musical notes. A fourteen line poem that has rhyming sounds
September 13th 2013 – Vocab, List 2 Root Word: dict Definition: say Word One: Word Two: contradict malediction Definition: Definition: Saying the opposite of what has already been stated A magical word or phrase said with intention of bringing about evil or harm