TFMM Work plan for 2010 Build-up the appropriate framework for the implementation of the revised monitoring strategy Technical support to the Parties ; workshop to be organised Expert panel devoted to the use of satellite and remote sensing data : CCC, national experts, TFHTAP, ESA (OK), ECMWF (OK), DLR (OK), Météo France (OK), research community Analyse and promote the last EMEP field campaigns on PM; highlight gaps and priorities for future experiments (now for 2011) Design and launch 1-2 case studies on heavy metals in voluntary countries to enhance dialogue between emission, modelling and measurement communities Conceive a “Eurodelta-like” exercise fit to the needs of IAM Contribute as far as possible to on-going modelling activities
Modelling activities Cooperation with FAIRMODE and EC4MACS : exchange of views (methodologies, assessment results..), common documentation, joint meetings, consultation of the TFMM experts for the validation of project results TFMM/EURODELTA3 project: To be launched by the beginning of 2010 Focused on model evaluation against available data and “backcasts” cases to assess current model responses to reproduce situations from the past Yearly study and simulation of the EMEP field campaigns Intention for participation to be sent ASAP to : Philippe Thunis : Laurence Rouil : Measurement experts contribution welcome to establish the evaluation protocole Complementarity with AQMEII project
HM Test case study Real interest of the parties for the idea and for contribution Questionnaire/note to be circulated by MSC-East (beginning of December) to define precisely which data/skills/technical contribution is expected from the national experts Strategy (number of countries, compounds, objective according to available data..) should be presented by January 2010 Expressions of interest or comments should be sent to Ilya Ilin : with copy to Laurence Rouil
EMEP field campaigns Fields campaigns are now a part of the EMEP monitoring strategy with several objectives: Contributing to the assessment of air pollution levels using new parameters for its characterisation : better understanding of air pollution patterns and their origin Helping in model evaluation Filling some gaps in the monitoring strategy Investigation new relevant issues for air pollution that cannot be considered with “traditional” devices Opportunity for cooperation with national teams and research networks
From the questionnaire: Country Priorities for national field campaigns Priorities for EMEP field campaigns Remarks Germany Gas-particle partitioning and equilibrium vs. non-equilbrium state of ammonium salts in SIA/SOA/EC- composed aerosol particles - PM (HVS, Optical, Impactor) - Ions and Gases with high time resolution (MARGA). - Particle Mass Spectrometry OK for participation – national funding Switzerland New devices: Mini-AMS’ : long-term measurements of the composition of the volatile fractions (sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, organic mass) of PM1. multi-wavelength aethalometers (eventually with some additional 14C measurements) : fossil and non-fossil emission contributions Test of the new approaches investigated at the national level TBD with national authorities European research call and national funding Slovakia PM10 chemical analysis PM10 source apportionnement EC/OC, BaP ,As, Cd, Hg, Ni OK for participation on the principle – national funding
Spain -Origin of mineral dust -Origin of SOA and relevance of these vs. primary - The origin of NH3 causing high ammonium nitrate episodes -The NH3/NH4+/NO3-/HNO3/NaNO3/Ca(NO3)2 partitioning -shipping emissions -O3 episodes, source apportionment of precursors. -Intercomparison of PM1 levels and speciation in urban and rural areas and comparison with PM10 and PM2.5 variability. PM1, number concentration, black carbon, chemical speciation of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1, in addition to the level 1 EMEP measurements OK for participation National funding is possible Special care should be accorded to the geographical distribution for the measurement to complete previous data set and investigate uncovered areas The Netherlands deposition and carbon Deposition measurement in nature areas Yes for deposition and some PM issues- national funding Connection needed with level2, level3 sites Interaction between air quality and climate change: combination of radiative transfer measurements with the air quality measurements.
Emphasis put on : PM compounds and PM1 Deposition Investigations related to new measurement devices Objectives of the future EMEP field campaigns: assessment, model evaluation, new issues in the EMEP strategy? What for the future EMEP field campaigns: compounds measured? Where? When? Which contributors : national experts, research networks ? Publication strategy Consistency with the TFMM modelling initiatives