Showcase Showdown 2019
Showcase Showdown June Showcase Showdown offers an opportunity for youth to explore various industries through contests and workshops. The event takes place at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming. Youth can participate in contests, workshops, tours and activities over the course of three days. There are also two award ceremonies that recognize youth for their efforts. Showcase Showdown June 25-27
How much does it cost? $100 Everything Package – Lodging, Meals, Shirt, Contests and Events $80 Part Time Everything Package – 1 Night Lodging, 3 Meals, Shirt, Contests and Events $80 Commuter – Meals, Shirts, Contest and Events $25 Complete Commuter – Shirt, Contest, and Events
Tuesday Schedule Workshops and Tours Cake Decorating Produce Judging Livestock Skillathon Recreation Pass Dodgeball Tournament Swimming Climb Wall (age and time acceptions) Open Gym
Workshops on Tuesday Outdoor Hike at Curt Gowdy State Park - - 2:30 - 6:00 pm Head out of town to Curt Gowdy. The group will hike to the hidden fall, about 4 total miles. The views on the way up and down, and the falls are amazing. Those willing to brave the cold water can even take a dip in the water! Cowboy Athletics Tour – 3:00 – 3:45 pm Get a behind the scenes tour of Cowboy Athletics. Check out the Arena Auditorium, Fieldhouse, War Memorial Stadium and more! Many of the athletes spend time in the summer practicing and lifting weights, so it might be a great way to see your favorite Cowboy in action. Sip and Paint Workshop – 3:30 – 5:30 pm Workshop participants will have the opportunity to express their creativity by learning exciting paint techniques, color mixing, and much more to create their own unique painting. ACRES Student Farm Tour – 4:30 – 5:30 pm The UW campus has it’s vegetable farm that is community oriented. In this our you will get to see the 1.8 acre farm. Learn about how students grow their own produce using sustainable methods and support and promote local agriculture. The Student Farm additionally provides educational and research opportunities for the Laramie and University of Wyoming. See what we are growing on campus and what type of research is being done related to horticulture and gardening. Tour participates might even get a chance to help in the gardens! This tour is a perfect follow up to our Produce Judging contest.
Wednesday Schedule Workshops and Tours Presentation Contests Robotics Contest Food Cook Off Hippology Horse Judging Awards Ceremony Dance
Workshops on Wednesday AM Fishing Trip - 9 am - 11 am This fishing trip is for youth 12 and under. Youth will travel to Huck Finn pond in Laramie. You can bring your own poles or poles will be provided. Livestock Judging Workshop – 9:00 am – Noon This is not a contest, but a learning experience for those interested in the Livestock Judging process. Learn more about how to evaluate beef, sheep, swine, and goats and how to give reasons. This workshop will involve live classes and will be held at the Hansen Arena. Project Runway – 9:00 am – Noon Were you meant to walk the runway? Join us for Project Runway where you will have the chance to upcycle sweaters; turning them into boots, skirts, mittens, and more. Participants will also work on modeling and learning about changes to the Fabric and Fashion project. A runway show will be held on Thursday during the awards ceremony. Cowboy Athletics Tour – 10:00 – 10:45 pm Get a behind the scenes tour of Cowboy Athletics. Check out the Arena Auditorium, Fieldhouse, War Memorial Stadium and more! Many of the athletes spend time in the summer practicing and lifting weights, so it might be a great way to see your favorite Cowboy in action. This is a repeat of the Tuesday tour, please pick one. Swing Dance Workshop – 9:00 – 10:00 Do you want to learn how to twirl your way around the dance floor? Attend this Swing Dancing workshops in the morning and show us your dance moves on Wednesday night at the dance. Behind the Lens – 10:30 – 11:30 am (1:00 pm optional individual critiques) Do you want to learn how to make your photos even better. Join UW Senior Editor, Steve Miller, to learn more about how to take great photos. After the workshop members will be encouraged to go and take photos. Steve will stick around until after lunch and offer individuals critiques to members photos.
Workshops on Wednesday PM Enjoy the Water at Curt Gowdy State Park -12:30 - 5:30 pm Head out of town to Curt Gowdy. Members can choose to waterfall, canoe, fish (even for older kids), and more! Space is limited. Project Runway –1:00 – 4:00 pm Were you meant to walk the runway? Join us for Project Runway where you will have the chance to upcycle sweaters; turning them into boots, skirts, mittens, and more. Participants will also work on modeling and learning about changes to the Fabric and Fashion project. A runway show will be held on Thursday during the awards ceremony. Avian Bowl Challenge - 3:00 – 4:00 pm Think you know a lot about poultry? Test your knowledge in the Avian Bowl Challenge. This challenges kids players on a comprehensive package of poultry subject matter such as: species, food safety, physiology, nutrition, eggs and other related subjects. For more information, check out Let’s Get Dirty – Science Fun - 2:30 – 3:30 The Wyoming 4-H Leadership Team invites you join them to learn more about science and get a little messy in the process. This workshop will have a variety of hands on science and agriculture stations for youth to participate in, a great combination of learning and fun!
Thursday schedule Workshops and Tours Dog Skillathon Table Setting Awards Ceremony
Workshops on Thursday Sausage Making and Eating – 9:30 am – 11:30 am 4-H youth will learn the science behind making fresh sausage. Students will be able to create their own recipes using various meat types and spices, make their own sausage, and taste-test it when they are done. Youth will also get to taste various other types of meat products like summer sausage, ham, bacon, salami, and pepperoni. This workshop will be held in the UW Meat Laboratory. Horse Knowledge Bowl Competition - 9:00 – 10:00 am This will be a demonstration of the National Competition that takes place in both Denver, and Kentucky. This is a game similar to jeopardy but all about horses. All aspects of care, breeds, uses, diseases, parasites, internal and external parts of the horse, etc. are open to competition. We want to include those that come to watch and learn, allowing them to participate and showing them the fun of the game. Beeswax Workshop – 10:00 – 12 noon In this workshop you will participate in stations to create beeswax chapstick, rolled candles, beeswax lotion bar and a native bee hotel. Planetarium Tour - 10:30 – 11:30 am Full-dome planetarium shows provide 3-D immersive media experiences, and traditional star shows can be replaced with far more interactive presentations, similar to an IMAX theater. These experiences include zooming through space at warp speed; flying by Jupiter and the other gas giants in our solar system; traveling past Pluto; and passing through the outer asteroid belt. Such cosmic tours can ultimately go beyond our own Milky Way and explore distant supernovae, gigantic black holes and the formation of galaxies in the farthest reaches of the universe.
Always the Same Age Categories Contest with Reasons Individual Teams Junior 8-10 Intermediate 11-13 Senior 14 plus Teams Junior 8-13 No switching, can only compete in same age category (individual and team) Contest with Reasons Junior 4 sets of questions or 3 sets of questions and 1 set of reasons Intermediate 2 sets of questions and 2 sets of reasons Senior 4 sets of reasons
awards Top 10 individuals get awards in each age category Top 3 individuals get “special” award 4th – 7th get ribbons Top 5 teams get awards in each age category Top 2 teams get “special” awards 3rd – 5th get ribbons
Showcase Showdown Cake Decorating
Cake decorating Individual or Team Contest – DO NOT have to be in cake decorating project Tuesday afternoon competition Decorate foam cakes around a theme that is announced at competition Foam cakes and frosting (white) provided Rectangle for all teams and senior individuals Round for all junior and intermediate individuals One hour to complete creation Coaches will be given 10 minutes of time to assist juniors and intermediates. Individuals. Coaches can assist with the base frosting of the cake. Coaches will be given 5 minutes of plan time to assist teams and senior individuals. Coaches can only help with planning, they may not frost or assist in any other way.
Showcase Showdown Produce Judging
Produce Judging Individual Contest Counties can designate teams Tuesday competition Evaluation of 8 classes of produce (fruits and vegetables) Youth identify different types of produce Top two Seniors get $500 trip scholarships
Livestock Skill-a-thon Team only contest – teams of youth work together Teams of 3 to 5 members Individuals can go through the contest but will not receive awards Tuesday afternoon contest Contest sections Breed ID: cattle, sheep, swine, and goats Quality Assurance Feed Identification Animal Evaluation (placing classes of animals) Equipment Identification Group Process – teams are given a problem that they have to solve, questions are posted one week prior to contest Seniors will also have Technology, Wool, and Meat Science Top Team gets $1000 to go to National Contest
Film fest Team or individual contest Videos are to be NO LONGER than 5 minutes in length Videos are to follow the 4-H Code of Conduct Filmmakers must be ages 8-18 as of January 1, 2019 All film entries must be created and produced by the filmmaker(s) All footage must be original Films must have been created within the past 2 years Videos shown during the day on the 26th and awards given that evening.
Showcase Showdown Robotics Contest
Robotics Contest Individual Contest (can be teams but teams are treated as individual entries) Wednesday morning competition Three challenges Construction Robots are constructed and pre-programmed to perform a certain task. Mini-Sumo Robots are designed to force another robot out of a circle. Mission Challenge Robots are given a series of challenges and programmed on site to complete these challenges
HIppology Team Contest only Wednesday morning contest Teams consist of 2 to 5 people Individuals can try the contest, but not for awards Wednesday morning contest Phase 1 – evaluate a class Phase 2 - stations (27 options) Types / Parts of saddles Bridles Grooming Breeds Phase 3 – exam Top team will get $1000 to compete at Western National Roundup
Food Cook-Off Team Contest – 2 to 4 youth per age group Wednesday competition NO cooking materials provided, you supply it all, including hotplate or electric skillet. Teams must plan and entree using certain ingredients around a theme Cooking happens on location, Juniors will get recipes in advance. Top Senior team can compete at Food Challenge in Dallas, Texas 4-H Foundation provides $1000 scholarship to help cover costs
presentation Individual Contest (can have teams but they will be treated as individuals) Impromptu Draw three topics, pick one 3 minutes to organize thoughts Notecards allowed Prepared Any topic Can use powerpoint or other props if you want 2019 new scoring sheets will be used Top two Seniors in each contest above will get $500 leadership trip scholarships
Horse judging Individual Contest – Counties can identify teams Wednesday afternoon contest Youth evaluate halter classes and performance classes Top 3 Senior teams get money to travel to National Competitions representing Wyoming
Dog Skill-a-thon Team and Individual Contest Thursday morning contest Four Part Contest Quiz Bowl Breed Identification Part Identification, internal organs, skeletal structure Hands on stations and scenarios
Table Setting Individual Contest Thursday morning contest Properly set a table for one guest at a meal or event No food, but menus are needed Table size will change depending on contest location, be prepared. Enough space for one guest setting will be
How to get involved? Anyone can come to Showcase, there is no county qualification requirement Check with your county on team participation and help with funding or transportation. Come just to observe and attend workshops, you do not have to compete.