Data Management for FY2017 Reporting Rosemary Matt NYS Director of Accountability
All NYSED funded programs will receive the same Report Card WIOA ALE WEP EPE FY2017 All NYSED funded programs will receive the same Report Card
2017 Report Cards Enrollment (per NYSED contract) Measurable Skill Gain (MSG) 51% Educational Gain HSE Attainment Post Test Rate 70%
EPE & WIOA/WEP Programs Report Card for FY17/18 Measurable Skill Gain Educational Gain HSE Attainment (counted as gain) Post Test Rate HSE Attainment Employment (data match) Credential in Postsecondary Education or Training Enrollment per contract
ALE Accountability FY17/18 Measurable Skill Gain Educational Gain (per new level charts) HSE Attainment (counted as gain) Post Test Rate Employment Follow Up Outcomes (specific to ALE) Enrollment per contract ALE Accountability FY17/18
FY2018 Funding Codes When students are funded by more than one NYSED Funding Source The more rigorous funding accountability measures will apply
FY2018 Funding Codes If all students/participants in the class are funded under the same NYSED source, the funding code may remain with the class only If student’s/participant’s funding varies in a class, then the class is coded with multiple funding sources and the student/participant also is coded with their appropriate funding source
2017 to 2018 Class Carryover Utility in ASISTS Scheduled to occur in mid-June Currently available in ASISTS Will be applied again in August
2017 to 2018 Class Carryover Utility in ASISTS Will be applied again in August Programs may choose which classes and which students/participants will be brought into FY2018
2017 to 2018 Class Carryover Utility in ASISTS
2017 to 2018 Class Carryover Utility in ASISTS
Exit status processing will happen on the 15th of every month Automatic Exiting Any participant with no attendance for 3 consecutive months will be given an exit status Exit status processing will happen on the 15th of every month Programs will have until the end of that month to add any missing hours. If added, exit status removed
Applies to all NYSED funding! Automatic Exiting Applies to all NYSED funding! WIOA EPE WEP ALE
NRS vs NYRS SAME DIFFERENT Both systems record performance in ASISTS Both systems have strong accountability (ITAP, corrective action) with parallel time frames and parallel outcomes: Performance & Enrollment tracked and monitored Separate report cards issued at the same time Ranking of report cards are homogeneous (only NYRS programs ranked for NYRS report card) NYRS individuals served will be referred to as “students”; WIOA individuals will be referred to as “participants.”
ALE Educational Gain/Measurable Skill Gain New York’s Reporting System National Reporting System TABE TABE NYRS 1: Beginning ABE Literacy 0 to .9 NYRS 1.5: Post Beginning ABE Literacy 1.0 to 1.9 NYRS 2: Beginning ABE 2.0 to 2.9 NYRS 2.5: Post Beginning ABE 3.0 to 3.9 NYRS 3: Low Intermediate ABE 4.0 to 4.9 NYRS 3.5: Post Low Intermediate ABE 5.0 to 5.9 NYRS 4: High Intermediate ABE 6.0 to 7.0 NYRS 4.5: Post High Intermediate ABE 7.1 to 8.9 NYRS 5: High Intermediate ESL 9.0 to 10.9 NYRS 6: Advanced ESL 11.0 to 12.9 NRS 1: Beginning ABE Literacy 0 to 1.9 NRS 2: Beginning ABE 2.0 to 3.9 NRS 3: Low Intermediate ABE 4.0 to 5.9 NRS 4: High Intermediate ABE 6.0 to 8.9 NRS 5: ASE Low 9.0 to 10.9 NRS 6: ASE High 11.0 to 12.9
ALE Educational Gain/Measurable Skill Gain New York’s Reporting System National Reporting System Best Plus 2.0 Best Plus 2.0 NYRS 1: Beginning ESL Literacy 88 to 249 NYRS 1.5: Post Beginning ESL Literacy 250 to 361 NYRS 2: Low Beginning ESL 362 to 394 NYRS 2.5: Post Low Beginning ESL 395 to 427 NYRS 3: High Beginning ESL 428 to 439 NYRS 3.5: Post High Beginning ESL 440 to 452 NYRS 4: Low Intermediate ESL 453 to 484 NYRS 5: High Intermediate ESL 485 to 524 NYRS 6: Advanced ESL 525 to 564 NRS 1: Beginning ESL Literacy 88 to 361 NRS 2: Low Beginning ESL 362 to 394 NRS 3: High Beginning ESL 428 to 452 NRS 4: Low Intermediate ESL 453 to 484 NRS 5: High Intermediate ESL 485 to 524 NRS 6: Advanced ESL 525 to 564
ALE Educational Gain/Measurable Skill Gain New York’s Reporting System National Reporting System Best Literacy Best Literacy NYRS 1: Beginning ESL Literacy 0 to 10 NYRS 1.5: Post Beginning ESL Literacy 11 to 20 NYRS 2: Low Beginning ESL 21 to 37 NYRS 2.5: Post Low Beginning ESL 38 to 52 NYRS 3: High Beginning ESL 53 to 58 NYRS 3.5: Post High Beginning ESL 59 to 63 NYRS 4: Low Intermediate ESL 64 to 67 NYRS 5: High Intermediate ESL 68 to 75 NYRS 6: Advanced ESL 76 and ↑ NRS 1: Beginning ESL Literacy 0 to 20 NRS 2: Low Beginning ESL 21 to 52 NRS 3: High Beginning ESL 53 to 63 NRS 4: Low Intermediate ESL 64 to 67 NRS 5: High Intermediate ESL 68 to 75 NRS 6: Advanced ESL 76 and ↑
ALE Periods of Participation Students are automatically exited after 3 consecutive months of no attendance Contact/Attendance hours will continue to accrue through all POPs No requirement for multiple testing from one POP to the next
ALE Follow Up Outcomes Health Literacy Legal Services Financial Literacy Functional Literacy Family Literacy Community Outcomes School Relations Workforce Readiness Legal Services Citizenship Social Service Career Exploration Voting Postsecondary transition Under each of these broad outcome categories, programs will enter into ASISTS specific outcomes associated with the populations of students they serve.
WIOA & EPE Pre Test per POP Intake: Pre Test participant Or Post Test from previous year is rolled over as the Pre Test Intake: Post Test from POP 1 is rolled over as Pre Test Or New Pre Test is administered Intake: Post Test from POP 2 is rolled over as Pre Test Or New Pre Test is administered POP 1 POP 2 POP 3
WIOA & EPE Follow Up per POP 2nd Quarter after exit Employment Wages 4th Quarter after exit Follow Up: 2nd Quarter after exit Employment Wages 4th Quarter after exit Follow Up: 2nd Quarter after exit Employment Wages 4th Quarter after exit POP 1 POP 2 POP 3
Must Enter Attendance on a MONTHLY Basis
Student Assessment and Attendance Funding Reports 2017 in ASISTS
Prioritize Post Testing! These are the students that have the highest probability of demonstrating Educational Gain, these are the students who should be post tested FIRST as a priority!
Under Construction NYRS CUSP Chart
TASC Readiness test: Beginning July 1, 2017, students will only be referred to the HSE test if they have a readiness score from the official TASC Readiness Assessment recorded in ASISTS. TASC Readiness test: NYSED currently accepts the scores set by DRC for mastery
ALE WIOA WEP EPE Contact Hour/Attendance Data in ASISTS: Contact hours must be entered into ASISTS by the end of the following month. Example: September contact hours must be entered no later than October 31st. ALE WIOA WEP EPE Data Entered Quarterly: Programs must enter all other data in ASISTS on a quarterly basis. Quarter I (7/01-9/30) data entered and reviewed by 10/31; Quarter II (10/01-12/31) data entered and reviewed by 1/31; Quarter III (1/01-3/31) data entered and reviewed by 4/30; Quarter IV (4/01-6/30) data entered and reviewed by 7/31