Competence-based programs and their assessment in French Universities Mourad Attarça, January 2019
The context of the competence-based education policy There is a dual system of education in France : 1) The “academic” system: primary school, secondary school, undergraduate and graduate levels (universities, schools of engineering…) Much more knowledge-oriented programs Degrees accredited by the ministry of Education Programs funded by the national budget State 2) The “professional” or “vocational” system: held by institution like Chambers of Commerce, Chambers of Agriculture, Chambers of Trades, Business associations…; starting from secondary school but also in higher education (undergraduate and graduate) Much more focused on know-how and professional activities Degrees “recognized” and/or accredited by different ministries, by business associations and unions ; and taken into account in national collective agreements of labor Programs funded by companies through taxes Many business associations provide programs to educate theirs own employees to specifics competences required: CQP : certificate of professional qualification Each CQP is dedicated to a specific activity / jobs and is recognized by companies within the sector
The French system of education Profesional or vocational programs Academic programs Ministry of Education Profesional or vocational programs Others ministries, Business organisations Private sectors Primary school CAP (Certificate of professional aptitude) Baccalaureat ; Baccalaureat of technology ; Professional Baccalauréat CQP (Certificate of Professional Qualification) Professional Designation CAP ; Professional baccalauréat Secondary school DUT (Diplôme Universitaire Technologique) BTS (Brevet of Technician) Bachelor (Licence); Professional Bachelor CQP, Professionnal Designation BTS (Brevet of Technician) Professional Bachelor Under- graduate Master Professional Master Engineering degree (CTI) Degree of University (DU) Professionnal Designation Engineering degree (CTI) Specialized Master (MS) Graduate Doctorat (PhD) Phd (VAE) - DBA PhD
In the 1990’s, French ministry of Labor wanted to improve educational programs for young unqualified people Fostering professional programs in secondary school and undergraduate level Promoting programs that can develop specifics competences to meet the need of the labor market In 2002, the ministry of Labor lanched a “National Register of Professional Certification” (RNCP) The register inventory programs that are focused on some specific skills, jobs and / or activities There is an assessment of the relevance of the programs and their usefulness for the labor market and for the employability of the people The degrees provided by universities are automatically registered (“by law”) In 2002, the ministry of Education and the ministry of Labor has adopted a new regulation which allows to validate the professional experience of any employee as a degree: VAP (validation of « professional acquisition ») to applicate to a higher educationnal program VAE (validation of « professional experience ») to obtain a degree or a part of a degree Questions for the universities: how to evaluate « professionnal experience » ? How to validate the « units in their academic programs ?
In 2007, a new law gave more autonomy to the universities, but: Universities have been invited to offer more professional-oriented programs and strengthen their relationships with businesses; Professional integration of graduates has become a key element in the evaluation of academic programs In order to diversify theirs fundings and attract business financings, universities have launched or adapted their programs: a mix of academic and professional programs; apprenticeship programs, programs for continuing education, etc. Reform of the law of funding vocational programs; each employee has a « Personal Account for Education » (in hours then in €) in order to fund his personal vocational education: A need for a more short programs with more modularity and more customization Since 2015 It is mandatory for universities to present their academic programs in “blocks of competencies” ; all programs must be related to sectors / jobs / activities Representatives of business and economic sectors participate in the governance of universities (university board), faculties (faculty board) and programs ("concil of perfectionning"). “Professional“ lecturer must be part of the teaching team; the ratio “professional lecturer / academic lecturer” is a key element in the program assessment
Example of handbook On how to designing a competence-oriented Published by the Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (LEEM) for its members and for universities in partnership with pharmaceutical companies
The situation in 2019 The "competence-oriented” culture remains weak in French universities There is a great disparity between universities and between faculties; it depends on: the will of the Rectors and of the deans; the will of the teaching staff; the share of professional programs in the overall offer of programs; the available resources to support the teaching staff. There is some reluctance of the teaching teams for competence-based approach: The methodology is perceived as fuzzy; It obliges to review all the teaching programs as well as the balance of training hours and ECTS; It can call into question the skills of the teaching staff (need for new skills); It less considers fundamental knowledge and theoretical knowledge
The most advanced programs in competence-based approach: Technological or applied science degrees (Physics, Chemistry, Agronomy, Engineering ...) Business-oriented diplomas: Law, Management, Economics… Degree for regulated job: Doctor, Pharmacist… Two current approaches to present programs by competence-based approach: By simply making-up existing academic programs (formal approach in order to comply the ministry rules) Real competence-based approach but with low modularization
Identity of the organization and of the program The grid for the accreditation of a competence-based program used by the RNCP: Identity of the organization and of the program Sectors and jobs targeted (according an official nomenclature : NAF ; NSF ; ROME, Regulation that support de market need (in case of regulated jobs) Figures from market survey (market needs : quantitative and qualitiative needs) Description of the competencies (by bloc) that targeted by the program Added value for the student / salary (benefit for his employability) Added value for the company (benefit within its human resource policy) Competences to be assessed Professionnel organisation that will recognized the program Support from companies and / or professionnal organization (minimum 2 letters)