Southland Regional Association of REALTORS® Membership Outreach
Event Schedule
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SRAR Texting Service Get updates and reminders on your phone to stay in the know on all that’s happening at SRAR! EDU : for Education classes, training and risk management (1 text per week) WHATSUP : for Social/networking events like mixers, expos and multicultural events (1-2 texts per month) COM : for Commercial day and classes (2 text per month) INVOLVE : for Community involvement and charity drives (4-6 text a year) TEXT ____ TO 313131 POL : for Updates on real estate issues, political events and receptions with local officials (6-10 text per year) FUTURE : for leadership opportunities and committee involvement (3-4 texts per year) WHATSNEW : for New product services and benefits (2 text per month)
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