Simultaneous observation of two dynamic caged rotators with equal (A) and opposite (B) handedness; images recorded with a time lap of 340 s (VB = -2.07 V,


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Presentation transcript:

Simultaneous observation of two dynamic caged rotators with equal (A) and opposite (B) handedness; images recorded with a time lap of 340 s (VB = -2.07 V, IT = 0.05 nA, TSample = 90.5 K). Simultaneous observation of two dynamic caged rotators with equal (A) and opposite (B) handedness; images recorded with a time lap of 340 s (VB = -2.07 V, IT = 0.05 nA, TSample = 90.5 K). Between the two images of the same surface area, an intracavity chirality interconversion occurred as a rare event. Dirk Kühne et al. PNAS 2010;107:50:21332-21336 ©2010 by National Academy of Sciences