What is the Minions’ main occupation? PART ONE What is the Minions’ main occupation? Where did the Minions find sanctuary after having failed their numerous bosses? Why weren’t the Minions happy in their cave? What plan did Kevin have for his tribe? Why was Kevin reluctant to take Bob along on his quest for an evil boss? Who did Kevin chose as his third companion? What year was it when Kevin, Bob and Stuart reached New York? What happened when Bob saw himself in the mirrors at Fancy’s? Why did Kevin, Bob and Stuart decide to travel to Florida? Who gave Kevin, Bob and Stuart a ride to Orlando? Why did the Nelsons stop at a bank?
How did Kevin get rid of the police cars that were chasing them? PART ONE How did Kevin get rid of the police cars that were chasing them? What did Stuart learn about Scarlet Overkill from the girl’s magazine?
What did Scarlet Overkill tell her audience? PART TWO What did Scarlet Overkill tell her audience? What test did Scarlet Overkill devise to choose her henchman? How did Bob manage to steal Scarlet Overkill’s ruby? Where did Scarlet Overkill take Kevin, Bob and Stuart? Who is Herb Overkill? What assignment did Scarlet Overkill give to Kevin, Bob and Stuart? What weapons did Herb Overkill give Kevin, Bob and Stuart? What did Scarlet Overkill tell Kevin, Bob and Stuart in her bedtime story? How did Kevin, Bob and Stuart manage to get a ticket for the Tower of London and how did they pay? How did Stuart use his hypno hat?
How did Kevin use his volcano gun? PART TWO How did Kevin use his volcano gun? Why couldn’t Kevin, Bob and Stuart steal the crown at the Tower of London? What happened when Stuart removed the sword from its stone? Why did Scarlet Overkill think that Stuart was a traitor? What continent did the rest of the Minions travel to? How does the story make fun of NASA’s landing on the Moon? Why did King Bob change the law? Why did Scarlet Overkill put Kevin, Bob and Stuart into a torture chamber?
What instruments did Herb use to torture Kevin, Bob and Stuart? PART THREE What instruments did Herb use to torture Kevin, Bob and Stuart? What did Scarlet Overkill hide inside her dress? How did Kevin, Bob and Stuart manage to leave the torture chamber? Why did Herb and Scarlet Overkill go to Westminster Cathedral? Why did people start chasing Kevin, Bob and Stuart? What happened to Bob and Stuart? What happened to Kevin? How did Kevin get rid of Scarlet Overkill? Why did the Queen knight Kevin? How did the Minions find their new boss?
Kevin Bob Stuart Scarlet Overkill Herb Overkill