#38 Chapter 19 The Postwar Boom OBJECTIVE: Understand the economic and social issues of the 1950s.
I. Suburban Growth White Americans enjoy economic prosperity. Baby boom causes population growth. Demand for goods exceeds supply. Highways and affordable homes makes suburban living desirable. Interstate Highway Act 1956 What are some more characteristics of suburban living?
II. Politics Eisenhower’s presidency brings prosperity and political conservatism. Equal rights remain a problem. The Cold War creates fear and anxiety. What did Americans fear during the Cold War?
III. Popular Culture Rock n’ Roll and jazz pave the way for minority representation. The beat movement rejects conformity. TV portrays an idealized white America. Why were young people attracted to rock n’ roll and the beat movement?
IV. Unequal Opportunities Urban areas fall into decay (White Flight) Minorities experience prejudice and discrimination. In 1942, the U.S. signed the Bracero Treaty with Mexico which allowed the legal entry of Mexican laborers (Braceros). Minorities establish organizations to improve civil rights. List common problems that African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, and Native Americans faced during the 1950s?
#38 Ch.19 Q’s 1. Problem- Millions of WWII veterans thrown out of work as they return to civilian life. Gov’t Solution---- 2. Problem- Severe housing shortage Gov’t Solution--- 3. Problem- Runaway inflation 4. Problem- Labor strikes that threaten to cripple the nation. 5. Problem- Discrimination and racial violence