Money Week 31 April 1 , 2019
Money Look at last slide for ex. Student product MAFS.1.MD.2.a Identify and combine values of money in cents up to one dollar working with a single unit of currency. [Conceptual Understanding, Procedural Skill and Fluency] a) Identify the value of coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters). b) Compute the value of combinations of coins (pennies and/or dimes). c) Relate the value of pennies, dimes, and quarters to the dollar (e.g., There are 100 pennies or ten dimes or four quarters in one dollar.) (Students are not expected to understand the decimal notation for combinations of dollars and cents.) Know the value of each coin (penny, nickel, dime, and quarter) Add the values of multiple pennies and/or dimes Know how many of a particular coin make up one dollar (pennies, dimes, and quarters) Look at last slide for ex. Student product
We Do!
I DO I know a dime is equal to 10 cents and 1 penny is 1 cent. I can count dimes and pennies. Here is an example: I want to buy ice cream. Ice cream costs 50 cents. Do I have enough money? I have 33 cents. This is less than 50 cents. I do not have enough money to buy ice cream.
How do you know? Explain your answer. We DO With your partner: Shaliana wants to buy a pack of stickers. It costs 40 cents. Can she buy it? How do you know? Explain your answer.
They DO I emptied out my piggy bank to buy a piece of gum. The gum cost 15 cents. Do I have enough? How do you know?
You DO! A milk carton costs 22 cents. Can I buy the milk? How do you know?
You DO! You owe your friend 25 cents. Do you have more or less money to pay her back? How much do you have?
You DO! You owe your friend 25 cents. Do you have more or less money to pay her back? How much do you have?
You DO! Oh no! I owe the cafeteria worker 40 cents. Do I have enough to pay her back? How much do I have? How do you know?