A. Della Vecchia, D. Guerrucci (ESA) ESA EO Thesauri A. Della Vecchia, D. Guerrucci (ESA) Yves Coene (Spacebel) CEOS WGISS#47 1st May 2019
Objectives Common Terminology to avoid naming inconsistencies about platform, instrument, instrument type and Scientific keyword FedEO metadata entries natively ready for being exported into DIF10, according to both IDN metadata guideline and encoding Permit metadata discovery and browse, via semantic search
Platform Thesaurus Platform Thesauri providing relationships among platform, instrument, instrument type, scientific keywords and collections Platform Thesaurus Satellite Series Example
Instrument Thesaurus Instrument to Platform Relation Example Instrument to Instrument Type Relation Link between instrument and instrument type is part of the hierarchy as well (narrower/broader).
Scientific Terms Thesaurus Scientific Terms linked to GCMD terms, and Instrument type concepts Under review
ESA / NASA Thesauri Alignment Automatic Procedure – Available on FedEO reference environment, on Operational environment at ESA by June 2019 Partner Metadata repository Metadata Import Harvester tool FedEO Collection Catalogue FedEO Gateway ISO to DIF-10 Metadata Mediator Metadata Preparation IDN Complementary Information gcmd keyword Metadata Preparation IDN guideline for Information Content completeness and consistency (HERE) ESA Thesauri Service sync DIF-10 Validator (HERE) DIF-10 Validation Metadata Export DIF-10 Encoding IDN repository
ESA Thesauri TTO by June 2019 Provide online access to Thesauri API (OpenAPI description), wrapped in Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) and OSDD description GUI (Graphical User Interface) Similar RESTFul API capabilities as NASA GCMD May be realised selecting an open-source solution. Criteria: license, API, adoption, customisation options etc.. Candidate: SKOSMOS tool (http://skosmos.org/), used by UNESCO, MIT License Transfer into Operation by June 2019
Semantic Annotation of EO Resource Metadata Data Repositories ESA Missions Data Repositories Query and service requests Operational Data Access Web User Interface for pixel-based access, analysis and processing IT Resources provided as services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) VM – Browse Images Generation VM – DataCube Engine/API VM – Processors Standardised Interoperable Services Interfaces Web User Interface for granule-based discovery and/or retrieval Mission oriented GUI - SWARM - Cryosat - SMOS - External Multi Mission GUI: – ESA EOCAT ESA EO Information Page: - ESA EO Gateway International EO Information Page: - CEOS IDN Knowledge-Base Facility EO Data & Service Metadata Repository Thesauri Repository Standardised Interoperable Interfaces TPMs HMs EEs External Web Interfaces Copernicus Data Repositories External Web Interface S-5 S-2 S-3 S-1 ………. ESA PDGS Data Cube GUI, VIRES GUI, etc… ESA Operational Service User Community ESA External OpenSearch (collections and granules) (collections and granules) Standard services request Interfaces (e.g., restful API) User Applications Operational interface Storage Temporary Protocol for data access (e.g., OGC, Open Datacube) ESA User Applications External catalogue application Data access interface Products Access Interface Metadata management Data management
Vocabulary Server - GUI ESA Thesauri: Operational (June ‘19) http://thesauri.eo.esa.int/thesaurus/en/ Reference http://fedeo.spacebel.be/thesaurus/en/?clang=en SKOSMOS tool makes available APIs here documented http://skosmos.org/ Examples http://fedeo.spacebel.be/rest/v1/thesaurus/data?uri=https://earth.esa.int/concept/envisat http://fedeo.spacebel.be/rest/v1/thesaurus/data?uri=https://earth.esa.int/concept/envisat&format=application/json http://fedeo.spacebel.be/rest/v1/thesaurus/data?uri=https://earth.esa.int/concept/meris&format=application/json