Welcome to Adult Functional Maths Jo Wright Four Rules/ rounding and place value
Adult Functional Maths Welcome Adult Functional Maths Teacher Jo Wright j.wright@eastcoast.ac.uk Staff room A017
What can you do?
Place Value Write a place value table from 1 1000 to one million. How far can you go?
Rounding You can round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. The value of the key digit tells you whether to round the number up or down Money - £ is always 2 decimal places
+ - × ÷ Four rules In pairs/ small groups discuss ways you can Add Subtract Multiply Divide These skills are the basis of most if not all other topics with mathematics
Without a calculator, how do you… Round 4.435 to 2 dp Round £45.67 to the nearest £10 23 + 152 152-23 23 x 32 369 ÷ 3 276 ÷ 12 (a little trickier)
Any questions so far?
Break – back in 20mins
What numbers less than 21 are odd? Multiply thirteen by one thousand Divide 13 by one hundred
Applying skills Apply a technique you feel most comfortable with to answer questions. To get good at maths you must do maths!!