Draft 2016-2018 CIS work programme 18th meeting of Marine Strategy Coordination Group 7 April 2016, Brussels Draft 2016-2018 CIS work programme Builds on previous MSCG/MD documents & comments provided by MS and stakeholders after consultation European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit
Objectives & priorities Achieving GES Article 17 updates Article 19 evaluation External dimension Coordination with other policies
Working arrangements and structures Marine Directors MSCG WG GES, DIKE & POMESA TG Noise, Litter & Data Regulatory Committee Regional Sea Conventions Retained general structure Work flows slightly adjusted
Organisation structure & workflow with a view to maximise efficiency and avoid duplication. Organisation structure & workflow
Marine Directors & MSCG Provide strategic direction and focus Catalyst for further cooperation Marine Directors Coordinate and monitor working groups Guidance Cross-cutting issues, incl. MSFD project implementation Advise & assist Commission for Committee preparations Assist and prepare Marine Directors meetings Marine Strategy Coordination Group
Interaction between working groups and technical groups with a view to maximise efficiency and avoid duplication. Interaction between working groups and technical groups Comment form ES to explain lines
WG GES Follow-up GES Decision and Annex III review GES determination consistency Common Understanding document Art. 8 guidance Technical advice: Art.20.3(b) report Link to assessments and monitoring RSCs Guidance/recommendation for reporting Art.8.1a&b Deliverables Chairs: Commission (ENV/JRC) & DE Common approaches Application of Decision 2010/477/EU Definition of GES: Links with other frameworks Monitoring programmes Coordination of PoMs (with POMESA) WG GES - Objectives (achieving GES), assessment & monitoring - Art.8.1.a &b, 9, 11, 20 Task prioritisation?
WG DIKE WISE-Marine: operational system; dissemination products; portal Revised reporting arrangements for Art.8,9,10 Streamlining of reporting streams: other EU and international frameworks Deliverables Chairs: Commission, EEA & ?? Common geographical system for reporting & dissemination Art.17 reporting system Tools for demonstrating level of implementation With TG Data: WISE-Marine & its portal Links with other frameworks Next cycle: reporting system for monitoring
WG POMESA Deliverables Updated Initial Assessment guidance review Socio-economic expertise: 2018 assessments Exchange of experience on PoMS Defining scientific information needed for MSFD economic analysis MPA Socio-economic analysis – contribution to MSFD Deliverables Chairs: Commission, SE & ? Art.8.1c, 13 & 19: methodologies & approaches Art.13: methodologies & approaches Socio-economic assessments: improve consistency & coherence PoMs: socio-economic matters Baseline for addressing socioeconomic issues
TG Litter Finalisation of technical reports, esp. monitoring guidance and assessment protocols GES determination consistency Work on baselines Prioritisation of further research Platform for exchange with RSCs Following international developments Deliverables Chairs: FR, Commission (JRC) & DE Contribution to GES review Implementation support Science-policy interface Information exchange International dimension
TG Noise Support implementation of assessment methodologies & monitoring programmes Noise registers & ambient noise– work with RSCs Projects – extract future outcomes Art. 8, 9 & 11 assessments – contribute to WG GES Art. 8, 10 & 13 assessments – contribute to WG POMESA Underwater noise impact & definition of ‘harm’ Deliverables Chairs: NL & ?? Operational monitoring Advice on future assessment and target setting Impacts Regional coherence
TG Data Access to data & information (MSFD Art.19.3) Provide recommendations as per scope of work. Deliverables Chairs: Commission , EEA & FR Access to data & information (MSFD Art.19.3) Geographic visualisation & handling Technical development of WISE-Marine Technical development of decentralised reporting
Next steps Comments until 20 April Marine Directors 9 June: endorsement Adoption at next MSCG meeting