ISS forming highly aggregated structures have decreased capability to induce maturation of human PDCs. Purified PDCs (105 cells) were stimulated with ISS (0.1–2 μM) alone or combined with PMXB. After 16 h, cells were characterized for CD80 and CD86 expression by flow cytometry analysis. ISS forming highly aggregated structures have decreased capability to induce maturation of human PDCs. Purified PDCs (105 cells) were stimulated with ISS (0.1–2 μM) alone or combined with PMXB. After 16 h, cells were characterized for CD80 and CD86 expression by flow cytometry analysis. A and C show representative dot plots, whereas B and D show cumulative mean fluorescence intensities. One representative (A and C) and averages of four independent donors (B and D) are shown. *, P < 0.05. Cristiana Guiducci et al. J Exp Med 2006;203:1999-2008 © 2006 Rockefeller University Press