Hamburg Central School District Rti Response to intervention & Sst Student support team September 13, 2016
What does RtI mean? Under section 200.4 of IDEA states that the school district: (i) may use a process that determines if the student responds to scientific, researched-based intervention as part of the evaluation procedures.
What does RtI *really* mean? Meet the needs of all students in class Interventions are sometimes needed for students to grasp new material/achieve grade level standards Our job is to find out what works and what doesn’t - using evidence based interventions (with documentation) The goal is NOT to create extra work for staff, but increase the student success
Where does RtI begin? As teachers notice a student struggling and/or underachieving in comparison to their peers Interventions for individual students Prevent failure Proactive
How do I do this? Choose a Tier 1 intervention (that you’re probably doing already) Figure out: 1. Clearly defined problem stated in specific, observable, measureable terms 2. Gather baseline data 3. Determine goal 4. Plan for check-ins Document how the student responds Working? Great! Student is achieving at grade level Not working Contact home Begin SST referral process after 4 weeks
Tier 1 Sample interventions: Simplify directions - Help student begin assignments Change seat - Teach note taking strategy Organize materials - Assign a classroom job For example: Sally always loses her work, doesn’t turn in assignments, has 1 giant pile of papers, and can never find anything. Start an intervention! Goal: Sally is able to locate packet used in class everyday Intervention: Organize materials daily
RtI Process Aware of struggling student Tier 1 intervention Contact home No progress… Refer to SST - All forms on web Under Counseling Center/ Student Support Team - Give to Gigi Rush 5. Hold SST meeting
SST Meeting Share feedback from all teachers Review results of intervention(s) Team creates a plan by brainstorming/reviewing resources at the meeting for student success using Tier 2 interventions Staff tracks intervention for 6 weeks, brings data back to SST meeting to review and determine next step If unsuccessful attempt another new strategy If continues to be unsuccessful RTI data may be used to refer to CSE to determine classification or IEP needs Evaluation for CSE cannot begin until 3 separate interventions have been proven (with data/documentation) to be unsuccessful.