The OpenAthens Admin Dashboard provides a high-level snapshot of account activity and resource usage, along with shortcuts to other areas of the Admin portal.
Accounts > List brings the administrator to a list of their user accounts. Toggling between the tabs they can view Personal, Access, and Organisation accounts, as well as a list of accounts that have logged in from their institutional directory.
Resources > Catalogue brings the administrator to the OpenAthens resource catalogue, where they can search for and enable access to their subscriptions. Resources should be searched for on the provider level, e.g. “EBSCO,” not “Academic Search Complete.”
To enable a resource in the OpenAthens catalogue, use the “Allocate” menu to select which groups (permission sets) should have access. To disable a resource, use the same menu to remove all permission set allocations.
Resources > Permission Sets allows the administrator to manage resource access for specific user groups. A Permission Set will have specific resources allocated and will be accessible to a Role or group of users.
Resources > Redirector Link Generator is a tool to help administrators create OpenAthens URLs to their library resources. They can convert one link at a time or upload a list of base URLs to convert many links at once.
Preferences > Schema Editor allows administrators to make any of their user attributes “reportable.” This is especially useful if their user accounts have attributes that break users down by Department, Location, Academic Program, etc.
Preferences > Attribute Release allows administrators to control which user account attributes are released to individual service providers. This feature provides control over what user information is transmitted and helps power personalization.
Management > Connections is where administrators can configure a connection to their local, institutional directory of users.
OpenAthens can integrate with a number of Identity Providers, including Microsoft Active Directory LDAP or ADFS, CAS 5.x, some ILS directories, other SAML solutions and via API.