January 2014 Ann Osterhus, facilitator Sustaining SW-PBIS January 2014 Ann Osterhus, facilitator
Sustaining SW-PBIS Research Increasing Buy-In Awareness Community and Parent Involvement Administrator and Leadership
Research – Kent McIntosh SUBSIST – School-Wide Universal Behavior Sustainability Index: School Teams A survey of 257 schools nation-wide SUBSIST available as a checklist for school teams Handouts: http://kentmcintosh.wordpress.com
Research Findings Administrator Support During both implementation and sustaining Actively support SWPBIS Ensures regular time for and attends meetings SWPBIS is a top priority Fidelity of Implementation Adequate implementation provides positive feedback on student outcomes Without effects may not be observable – practice abandonment
Research Findings, continued Effective and Efficient Teaming During both implementation and sustaining Regular meetings, at least monthly Knowledge and skills of members Meeting organization and efficiency Data Data Driven Decision Making
Research Findings, Continued Features More Important for Sustaining Maintaining a HIGH level of fidelity of implementation (Practice profile for T1) Envisioning SW-PBIS as part of systems already in use Parent and Community Involvement Integrating new initiatives into SW-PBIS Maintaining 80% commitment from staff (preliminary results)
Sustaining in Minnesota Continue doing a SET yearly BoQ (upon invitation from MN) after 2 more consecutive 80% SETS (after training) BoQ for 2 years, followed by a SET Apply for MN Recognition upon receiving an invitation Attend Coach Meetings to learn or share your ideas Cohort 9 and 10 (5/year) and/or Sustaining Sessions (2/year) Watch for other invitations Attend Yearly PBIS State Institute Give Back Share with other schools in your district Share your ideas at coach meetings Present at Coach Meetings, Sustaining Sessions, PBIS institute, District Meetings
Nurtured Heart – Ann Haws For more information please contact: Ann Haws Turtle Lake School 651-621-7718 ann.haws@moundsviewschools.org
Julie Gabos & Amy Grengs - Roseville http://prezi.com/tfjga2-v0tmb/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy