Slates and Spinning Tops


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Presentation transcript:

Slates and Spinning Tops Year 1 Term 3 ENGLISH As Writers, we will be using ‘Skeleton School’ by Sam Lloyd and ‘Once Upon an Ordinary School Day’ by Colin McNaughton to inspire us. We will create character and setting descriptions and write our own stories set in a school with a twist. We will look at non-fiction texts and write reports about skeletons from what we find out. We will write letters and instructions, including how to make Beetle Burgers! MATHEMATICS As Mathematicians, we will practise counting while playing old fashioned games such as Snakes and Ladders and we will recreate Hopscotch to help us practise counting in 2s and 5s. We will use our measuring skills to measure our classroom and some of the objects in it. During our discrete maths sessions we will continue practising our skills around place value and addition and subtraction. READING As Readers, we will be continuing to develop our knowledge of phonics, applying it to help us decode an increasing number of unknown words. We will discuss what is happening in the books we read and will make simple inferences. SCIENCE As Scientists, we will be identifying different materials and grouping objects based on which material they are made from. We will talk about the properties of different materials and learn to use the correct language to describe these. DT As Designers, we will be planning and designing our ideas of the perfect school. In our parent event we will be designing and sewing bookmarks based on Victorian designs. P.E (Wednesday) As Gymnasts, we will be practising taking off, jumping and landing. We will create simple actions and shapes with our bodies and will think about how we use available space and apparatus safely. We will focus on developing our balance and co-ordination. HISTORY As Historians, we will be asking questions and finding out how life at school has changed over time. We will focus in particular on life for Victorian school children. We will make timelines which show some of the changes we have found out about. ART As Artists, we will be discussing the work of LS Lowry and using his work as inspiration for our own pieces, creating school yard pictures from chalks and pastels. GEOGRAPHY As Geographers, we will be looking at our school and its grounds. We will consider why it has been designed as it has and will identify the human and physical features. WIDER CURRICULUM PE every Wednesday Internet Safety Day 5th February