Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Breakfast is served each morning in the hallway outside the IMC. Cafeteria Menu
Tuesday, April 16 Mozzarella Sticks Peas Pears Cafeteria Menu
Wednesday, April 17 Grilled Cheese Tomato Soup Peaches Cafeteria Menu
Homework Clubs 6th Grade Homework Club Tuesdays and Thursdays IMC 7th Grade Homework Club Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays Room 202 or Room 217 8th Grade Homework Club Tuesdays and Thursdays Room 209
Digits Academy Monday through Thursday Room 212 Please sign up on the sheet posted outside Room 212.
World Language Club Reading Terminal Market Trip Saturday, May 18 All are welcome! See Frau Berry in Room 112 for a Permission Slip. Permission Slips are due by April 30th.
Attention 8th Graders: Sponsored By 8th Grade Class Council 8th Grade Movie Day Thursday, April 18 7th & 8th Periods Purchase $5 tickets during lunch!
Look for this Pop-Up Notification when your laptop is ready for pick-up from the Tech Center!