Joseph Stalin Becomes leader of the Soviet Union in 1924 Lenin dies Exiles Trotsky Wants the S.U. to become an industrial power—ASAP! Stalin is more Totalitarian than Lenin
Command economy Stalin gets rid of the N. E. P Command economy Stalin gets rid of the N.E.P. The soviet government owns everything. Secret police + censorship=people are so afraid they turn in friends and relatives. Purges-Stalin gets rid of anyone who is a threat to his power or anyone who disobeys, this includes government officials, teachers, artists, generals in the army, tens of millions killed.
Great Purge (1936-1939) Attempt by Stalin to eliminate political opposition Leading members of the Bolshevik party were executed or sent to labor camps Stalin purged prominent military officials 50% of military officers were purged Historians estimate 10-20 million people died during the Great Purge.
Gulag – Prison/Labor Camp 1,053,829 people died in the GULAG from 1934 to 1953, not counting those who died in labor colonies (1.6-10 million-stats vary due to unreliable records keeping) You too could be sent to a Gulag camp for crimes such as unexcused absences from work, petty theft, or anti-government jokes
5 Year Plan (1928) First Five-Year Plan=Fast Industrialization of Soviet Union focuses on iron, steel, machine tools, and electricity Called for 1115% increase in coal production, 200% increase in iron, and 335% in electric power Posted worker production in factories Workers who failed to meet production quotas were shot or imprisoned in the Gulag
5 Year Plan (+) It does industrialize the Soviet Union. But there are no products for the people to buy. Any products produced were of poor quality. Even though they industrialized most people were poor.
Collectivization & Cult of Personality Collectivization-state run farms. Stalin forces farmers to give up their private farms and work on government farms. Kills millions of peasants Secures Soviet control of countryside Cult of Personality Stalin is portrayed as the greatest leader in Soviet history.
My Favorite Stalin—Luck for the People
Similarities Differences Fascism & Communism Similarities Differences Fascists accept social classes (Social Darwinism) Communists want to eliminate classes Both ruled by dictators One Party Rule State is Supreme Denied individual rights Not Democratic Nationalists (fascism) Internationalists (encourage spread of communism)
Emperor Hirohito
Japan Tojo (Prime Minister)ran nation, but Hirohito (124th Emperor) was “figurehead” or leader without any real power. Invaded Manchuria Invaded China Set out to build huge Japanese empire in Asia Japan suffered during the depression from lack of natural resources Date in Power: 1926 Political Party: Military Type of Government: Militarism, uses military to achieve national goals
Meanwhile…In Turkey Kemal Ataturk WESTERNIZATION Wearing of the fez outlawed (1925). Turkish state declared secular (1928). Women received the right to vote and hold office (1934).