Box and whisker plots showing the estimated frequency of use of rectal examination, abdominal paracentesis, blood sampling, nasogastric intubation, ultrasound and response to analgesia in horses presented with clinical signs of abdominal pain (colic) by veterinary practitioners working in different types of practice, from a mixed methods questionnaire of 228 UK veterinary surgeons. Box and whisker plots showing the estimated frequency of use of rectal examination, abdominal paracentesis, blood sampling, nasogastric intubation, ultrasound and response to analgesia in horses presented with clinical signs of abdominal pain (colic) by veterinary practitioners working in different types of practice, from a mixed methods questionnaire of 228 UK veterinary surgeons L. Curtis et al. Vet Rec Open 2015;2:e000145 ©2015 by British Veterinary Association