Stuart McAllister ESTAT F4 The CVTS 3 Project Stuart McAllister ESTAT F4 ETS WG, 6-7 September 2006
Issues to be addressed by the meeting Status of the CVTS3 project Specific country issues and problems « Control Tables » and related issues Outline timetable for next actions ETS WG, 6-7 September 2006
Status of the CVTS3 project To the best of our knowledge the CVTS3 project is “in the field” and progressing well in all participating countries. ESTAT too is progressing with its development of the “Checking Tool", however due to administrative delays and a paucity of internal resources the tool is not foreseen to be distributed to countries before January 2007. Through our continued checks and preparations of the CVTS3 analysis tools, small errors in the list of “Checking Rules” published in the “European Union Manual” are occasionally being discovered. The latest updated version of the checking rules are enclosed in your meeting document. ETS WG, 6-7 September 2006
Specific country issues and problems ESTAT has received contact from some countries during the past months. A synopsis of the questions presented together with their proposed solutions are listed in your meeting hand out. Any further issues for discussion. ETS WG, 6-7 September 2006
Control Tables ESTAT has been active in the preparation of a definition for the control tables for CVTS3. A first proposal of indicators and the format of control table are presented for your comments. Single v. multiple tables. Electronic submission of control table. Treatment of non-response for each indicator. It is proposed to create a detailed prescription for the treatment of non-response and missing values for the variables associated with each indicator, once the definition of the control table has been finalised. ETS WG, 6-7 September 2006
Associated Issues - Access Rate Analysis of the CVTS2 project has identified a potential inconsistency in the terms access rate participation rate For CVTS2 access rate was defined as ETS WG, 6-7 September 2006
Associated Issues – Access Rate For CVTS3 the following refined definitions are proposed : ETS WG, 6-7 September 2006
Associated Issues - EDAMIS The CVTS3 project is registered in the EDAMIS System. All NSIs have a contact point for EDAMIS In addition other institutes may deliver data via the EDAMIS WEB interface - Access will be fully operational before Jan 2007. The imputed and non-imputed data sets must be identified clearly in the filename. Typically the data set should not be imputed until the non-imputed data set has been cleaned of all errors and approved by ESTAT. ETS WG, 6-7 September 2006
Outline timetable for next CVTS3 actions Delivery to countries of the checking tool before (Jan 2007) Delivery of contractual Interim reports (Jan 2007) Delivery of data to ESTAT (Jan 2007 Jun 2007) ETS WG, 6-7 September 2006