National Curriculum Assessments 2019
Why is you child taking tests this year? As your child is now coming to the end of Key Stage 1 there are statutory assessments that they all have to take in order for them to demonstrate that they are at a similar level to other children across the country. The tests reflect the curriculum that was introduced in 2014. This curriculum is rigorous and sets high expectations which the children (and the staff) have to work hard on in order for them to achieve age-related expectations. This talk is designed to give you an insight into what these tests will look like, how they will be reported and what you can do to help your child.
What subjects will be tested? At the end of Year 2, the children will be assessed in Maths Reading Science They have their writing assessed throughout the year when the teachers assess their work against a set of given criteria. Assessment in science is through teacher assessment only. There is also an optional Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Test but we choose not to use it. The tests have to take place during May 2019.
Reading continued
Example questions in Maths
Maths questions: Reasoning
Assessment and reporting Since 2016,test scores have been reported to the DfE as ‘scaled’ scores.
Scaled scores: WTS, EXS, GDS
How to help your Child