Performance Achievement a quick reference guide to WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME Performance Achievement is a process that has benefits for staff and their managers as well as to the organisation as a whole in terms of our healthcare provision to our patients and the users of our services. This short presentation will consider these benefits
Benefits for Staff Benefits for staff – Performance achievement is designed to provide the opportunity for staff to consider their own skills and capabilities and within the context of their present role, to grow and develop those skills and competencies. Performance Achievement encourages supports and acknowledges creative practices, the identification of learning needs, the facilitation of greater openness and recognition for personal development and achievement.
Benefits for Staff Benefits for staff – While Performance Achievement provides staff with control over what objectives would be the most beneficial to them, staff are not expected to work alone towards the achievement of those objectives. Performance Achievement seeks to encourage staff and managers to meet and talk on an informally on a regular basis complementing the two formal Performance Achievement reviews that take place during the performance achievement annual cycle. The formal and informal meeting are to encourage staff and their managers to work together in a positive and constructive manner. The meetings should help staff agree with their managers what objectives they will work towards, how they will go about it and what success looks like at year end. Staff engagement with managers should become a regular feature in the workplace and provide a safe environment where they can discuss what progress is being made to achieve their objectives, seeking guidance, help and assistance if and when required. Staff surveys have repeatedly shown that staff have wanted greater engagement with their managers; Performance Achievement is but one way of making this aspiration a reality. Overall Performance Achievement should benefit staff by enhancing their confidence in the performance of their role and in turn increase personal job satisfaction.
Benefits for the Manager Performance achievement provides an opportunity to develop effective supportive practice It promotes improved communication / motivation It creates clarity by aligning employee goals with department / unit priorities and offers guidelines for effective discussions about performance and development – recognising achievements and plans for improvement
Benefits for the Manager Performance Achievement assists managers to align the responsibilities of their team / business unit with those of the individual It provides a framework for managers to provide continuous feedback on staff member’s achievement throughout the year Its a vehicle to provide assistance for the development of relationships between management and staff It encourages effective engagement between the manager and staff A means for effective discussions about performance and development – recognising achievements and plans for improvement Assists managers gain a better understanding of the skills / competencies of their staff
Performance Achievement a quick reference guide to WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME