Wood and paper products Proposal to modify the PRODCOM list PRODCOM working group meeting of 18-19 September 2014 Marilise Wolf-Crowther, Environmental statistics and accounts; Sustainable development
Forestry statistics collects data on wood and paper products since 1992 Production and trade in primary wood products: the Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire (JFSQ), an international exercise with UNECE FAO International Tropical Timber Organization (UN) Eurostat covers the EU and EFTA countries Secondary, i.e. ready-to-use paper products are not covered
The Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire Production and trade in primary wood and paper products (33 detailed products) Increasing confidentiality issues with production: 40-100% of some volumes estimated Solution applied: estimate unreported data, but only publish EU totals for each product We based the estimates on the development of the trade balance (COMEXT) over 5 years
Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire: the better solution To use PRODCOM data, including the rounded estimates An analysis of the JFSQ list vs. the PRODCOM list showed 24 products (or their sums) are perfectly aligned 138 PRODCOM items more detailed than or not covered by the JFSQ (mostly 'secondary' paper products) 3 types of pulp of the JFSQ are in one PRODCOM item Veneer sheets: sum is perfectly aligned, but not the breakdown 5 JFSQ products not covered by PRODCOM
Your opinion is requested on adding five products to the 2014 list JFSQ code and label Quantity 2013 CN code CN label 3.2 Wood residues 51,100,000 m3 440139.30; 440139.80 Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, other, sawdust; Other 4.1 Wood pellets 11,589,000 t 440131.00 Wood pellets 4.2 Other agglomerates 1,547,000 t 440139.20 Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, other agglomerated (for example, briquettes) 8.2 Recovered fibre pulp 10,502,000 t 470620.00 Pulps of fibres derived from recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard 9 Recovered paper 50,517,000 t 470700.00 Recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard
Your opinion is requested on changing or adding the breakdown of veneers 440810 Sheets for veneering, etc., coniferous (CN codes 440810.15 to 440810.98) 440830 Sheets for veneering, etc., of tropical wood (CN codes 440831.11 to 440839.95) 440890 Sheets for veneering, etc., other (implying non-coniferous wood; CN codes 440890.15 to 440890.95)
Possible simplification of the PRODCOM list PLYWOOD 16211221, 16211224 Coniferous 16211217 Non-Coniferous 16211214 of which: Tropical 16211211 PARTICLE BOARD, OSB and OTHERS 16211313, 16211319, 16211350 of which: OSB 16211316 FIBREBOARD HARDBOARD 16211443 MDF (MEDIUM DENSITY) 16211423, 16211426, 16211429 OTHER FIBREBOARD 16211446, 16211449
Possible simplification of the PRODCOM list GRAPHIC PAPERS NEWSPRINT 17121100 UNCOATED MECHANICAL 17121470 UNCOATED WOODFREE 17121200, 17121300, 17121410, 17121435, 17121439, 17121450 COATED PAPERS 17127336, 17127360, 17127375, 17127379, 17127600 SANITARY AND HOUSEHOLD PAPERS 17122030, 17122055, 17122057, 17122090 PACKAGING MATERIALS CASE MATERIALS 17123100, 17123200, 17123300, 17123400, 17123520, 17123540, 17124120, 17124140, 17124240 CARTONBOARD 17124260, 17125110, 17125910, 17127500, 17127755, 17127759, 17127820, 17127850, 17127953, 17127955 WRAPPING PAPERS 171200Z0, 17124160, 17124180, 17124220, 17127200, 17127400, 17127970, 17211100 OTHER PAPERS MAINLY FOR PACKAGING 17124280 OTHER PAPER AND PAPERBOARD N.E.S. 17124330, 17124360, 17124400, 17126000, 17291200, 17291910
Thank you for your attention!