We see that God always knows best, always speaks right, always moves first,and is always is control.
We know we’re at the Jordan when we see clearly where God is leading you to walk, and you have to decide whether or not you are going to follow.
That faithful moment when they followed God not because it LOOKED easy but because it was RIGHT.
The stones remind us that we are one people
The stones remind us that God is faithful each generation
The stones remind us that it is finished
REMEMBER Memorial and sign of grace
We remember God’s Mighty acts when we gather to worship the Lord We remember God’s Mighty acts when we gather to worship the Lord. This is the central point of our lives, because we remember what God has done for us.
THE CALL TO WORSHIP God calls us to be His people, as He did with Joshua. We are gathered to SERVICE Him.
CONFESSION God has chosen us and separate us to be His holy people. We confess our sins and declare His forgiveness.
CONSECRATION God instructs us through His word. We learn to be disciples and obey His commandments.
COMMUNION God feeds us, as we remember His Son. We live the past, and back to the future.
COMMISSION God sends us to live and share His amazing love. We have a mission into the world.
Whenever we gather together, we live our story, teach the Word and renew our Communion with God, for the world to know about Christ and for us to glorify God alone.