Herrera Airport Group 2 Michael Ming Hei CalTech María C Araya RSN Cecilio Morales FUNVISIS Dorian Restrepo CMU Kenny García FUNVISIS Claude Jean-Poix Haiti Gov
Outline Methods HVSR REMI MASW SPAC Results Conclusions Herrera Airport (ReMI, Masw and SPAC) HSVR West Profile HVSR East Profile N
HVSR Profile1 and Profile2 N West Profile East Profile
HVSR Result West Profile East Profile
ReMi – MASW Profiles 3 profiles Remi & MASW 1 Remi 2 Remi 3
ReMi Profiles
MASW Profile
ReMi & MASW Profiles
Methods SPAC Two Arrays Array 2 Array 1
Geopsy Spac2disp dinver SPAC: Three step procedure TARGETED PROFILE
Results At Herrera Airport SPAC South ReMi 1 (Black solid line)
Results At Herrera Airport SPAC North ReMi 2 (Black solid line)
Conclusions Herrera Airport
Conclusions HVSR 3 periods for each site discarded the biggest cause of high uncertainty. The other 2 were between hz and hz MASW The only profile was compared with REMI showing a good fit between them REMI 5 layers Max depth around 160m and > 2000 m/s for Vs. Low velocity layer between m of depth Airport soil is Class B SPAC No low frequencies at the p-f plot, which make it difficult to identify this range. Spac results present high misfit. They however are in good agreement with other methods
Conclusions HVSR High influence on high frequencies. Uncertainty in the analysis. Provides a fast estimate of the basin shape and depth. MASW Easy to make the site caracterizacion but it takes more time for the acquition of data. REMI Easy to classify a site and do the caracterization. Very fast analysis, and good resolution of penetration. SPAC Time consuming on data acquisition and analysis. Special needs for the site to be able to do the acquisition.
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