Country report - PL Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information – item 6 of the agenda.


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Presentation transcript:

Country report - PL Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information – item 6 of the agenda

Legal context 1/2 1. The Act on Official Statistics 29/06/1995 art. 47, paragraph 2a. on Territorial Register- TERYT (spatial information identification in the register is made on the basis of spatial data available from public records) 2. Directive INSPIRE 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 14 March 2007, establishing the structure of spatial information in the European Community (EU Official Journal L 108 of 25.04.2007, pp. 1-13) The President of the Central Statistical Office in Poland is a leading authority in two spatial data themes listed in Annex III INSPIRE directive: statistical units and population distribution (demography). Describe the legal situation regulating georeferencing statistics. 2a. Przestrzennej identyfikacji informacji zawartych w systemach, o których mowa w ust. 2, dokonuje się na podstawie danych przestrzennych udostępnianych z rejestrów publicznych, o których mowa w art. 4 ust. 1a pkt 2, 4-6 i 8 ustawy z dnia 17 maja 1989 r. - Prawo geodezyjne i kartograficzne. 2) EGiB (Cadastral data) 4) PRG (National Register of Borders); 5) PRNG (National Register of Geographical Names); 6) EMUiA (Towns, Streets and Addresses Register); 8) BDOT (Database of Topographic Objects); 20 November 2013 Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information - kick-off meeting

Legal context 2/2 3. The Act on Spatial Data Infrastructure 04/03/2010 (establishing spatial data infrastructure in Poland) Missing regulations: detailed guidelines for conducting TERYT Registry (procedure and method)- amendment is planned Please describe missing regulation necessary to achieve full integration of statistics and geospatial information 20 November 2013 Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information - kick-off meeting

Organisational setup 1/3 7 GIS expert in CSO coordinating about 210 GIS operators in round 50 branch offices in Poland The task - to geocode Territorial Identification Registry (System TERYT) which provides digital boundaries of all statistical units as well as address-points coordinates of all buildings with dwellings. Frequency: Boundaries- once a year Address-points coordinates- quarterly Please describe how georeferencing activities are organised in your NSI. 20 November 2013 Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information - kick-off meeting

Organisational setup 2/3 The Act on Official Statistics 29/06/1995 art. 47, paragraph 2a. on Territorial Register- TERYT (spatial information identification in the register is made on the basis of spatial data available from public records) Please describe your powers to enforce georeferencing activities in official statistics- 20 November 2013 Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information - kick-off meeting

Organisational setup 3/3 Cooperation with Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography as well as with Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture spatial data are collected: - under the provisions of the Law on Official Statistics - and based on the data requirements specified in the Program of Statistical Surveys Please describe how your NSI cooperates with other public authorities in charge of geospatial information. 20 November 2013 Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information - kick-off meeting

Data sources Orthophotomap * Cadastral data* PRG (National Register of Borders) * LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System) * Roads and streets network PRNG (National Register of Geographical Names) * BDOT (Database of Topographic Objects) * Records of towns, streets and addresses * TERYT – statistical units and address points ** * - obtained free of charge under the Public Statistics Research Program ** - maintained within official statistics Please list your data sources used for georeferenced statistics, both statistical and geospatial. Are there data sources you would like to have but cannot/ do not exist at the moment? 20 November 2013 Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information - kick-off meeting

Technical situation Central Statistical Office of Poland has published the Geostatistics Portal – a web platform for geovisualization of statistical data from various surveys (primarily census results). INSPIRE services (discovery, view, download) are part of the Geostatistics Portal and a metadata catalogue service (CSW) is running, therefore metadata can be harvested by the national geoportal. Please describe success stories in shared databases with other geospatial organisations, georeferenced data warehouses, linkage of geospatial information and statistics, etc. all supporting the integration of statistics and geospatial information. 20 November 2013 Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information - kick-off meeting

Production process and products georeferenced statistical products: Geostatistical Portal (public and free of charge): - the results of national and agricultural censuses - statistical units boundaries services - INSPIRE services platform 1. Please describe your georeferenced statistical products. 2. Which statistical products should become official European statistics 3. Please describe your users (internal and external) and what they are asking for. 20 November 2013 Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information - kick-off meeting

European harmonisation 1. more detailed guidance on demographics data 2. no central address register with x,y coordinates 3. mapping agencies should provide spatial data prepared in the way that official statistics would be able to connect them with the statistical data and prepare their own publications 1. Please describe where European harmonisation is necessary to be able to create European georeferenced statistics. 2. Please describe existing obstacles for a better integration and where you think European harmonisation could help to remove them. 3. Please describe your vision on the cooperation between mapping agencies and NSI at the European level. Proszę opisać, gdzie harmonizacja na poziomie europejskim jest konieczna, aby móc stworzyć europejskie georeferencyjne statystyki. Proszę opisać istniejące przeszkody w lepszej integracji i jak europejska harmonizacja mogłaby przyczynić się do ich usunięcia. Proszę opisać swoją wizję na temat współpracy pomiędzy agencjami kartograficznymi oraz krajowych urzędów statystycznymi na poziomie europejskim. 20 November 2013 Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information - kick-off meeting

Priorities recommend geocoding all statistical data, preferably to x, y coordinates all statistical data needs to be geocoded competency needs to be strengthened in the area of multidirectional geostatistical analysis Please describe what according to you the ESS should tackle first to have the biggest effect. Would you describe your current production process as ideal? If not, what would need to be changed if you have three wishes free? 20 November 2013 Task Force on the integration of statistics and geospatial information - kick-off meeting