Oscillatory inertial focusing with diffusion limitation.


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Presentation transcript:

Oscillatory inertial focusing with diffusion limitation. Oscillatory inertial focusing with diffusion limitation. (A) Images of the microchannel (L = 6.2 cm, H = 40 μm) with the focused 2-μm (and 1-μm) particles after tf and their corresponding Rep and α values. (B) FWHM evolution profiles of 2-μm particles from Rep = 0.0025–0.0125 (dot sign) and 1-μm particles at Rep = 0.0031 (plus sign). (C) Images of the microchannel (L = 2 cm, H = 80 μm) before and after focusing bacteria (0.8 μm) S. aureus. (D) Attained focus lengths of 1- and 2-μm particles and bacteria at varying Rep (*a shorter device is used for the bacteria experiments to achieve higher Rep). Baris R. Mutlu et al. PNAS 2018;115:30:7682-7687 ©2018 by National Academy of Sciences