Annual meeting of managing authorities ETC programmes April 2013


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Presentation transcript:

Annual meeting of managing authorities ETC programmes 22-23 April 2013 Brussels Cooperation outside the ETC programmes -   ENI, IPA, FED EGTC Dirk Peters European Commission Directorate Regional and Urban Policy Team Leader/Senior Legal Officer Senior Expert for European territorial cooperation and EGTC

European Neighbourhood Instrument ENI CBC  DEVCO Russia also covered (Article 1(3) ENI) Up to 5% of ENI financial envelope (= 910 mill. EUR) Align as much as possible with ETC rules Article 4(4)-(6) ETC: transfer of ERDF to ENI CBC ENI CBC rules apply on "ERDF" transferred (Art. 9(2) ENI) Article 7(6) ENI: transfer of ENI to ETC (transnational) ETC rules apply ("single set of rules for implementation") [ Article 24bis ETC] Article 4(7)+(8) ETC: return mechanism of ERDF back to ETC ETC CBC on internal borders

European Neighbourhood Instrument ENI CBC Implementing rules Working group meetings with Member States June and September 2012, 17 January 2013, 20 March 2013 24 April 2013 Managing authority in Member State (shared management) or Partner country or Internat. Org. (Indirect management) Continuation, but new rules under new FR! Financing Agreements to be signed year n+1 If not; return of ERDF MoU between MA and Partner country optional Co-financing: Minimum 10% maintained

European Neighbourhood Instrument Management models for ENI CBC "preferably" shared management Indirect management by partner country, Russian Federation or International Organisation when requested Selection procedures + Procurement JMC or project selection committee Not PRAG, but rules laid down in RAP MSt: national IO: own IO rules Public authority third country: national rules if allowed in FA TA budget either national rules ore detailed in agreement

Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) IPA CBC with Member States REGIO [IPA CBC among IPA countries ELARG] Iceland also covered (Annex to IPA Regulation) Up to 3% (4%?) of IPA II financial envelope (~ 400 mill. EUR) allocated for CBC with Member States Closely mirror ETC rules Article 4(4)-(6) ETC: transfer of ERDF to IPA CBC IPA CBC rules apply on "ERDF" transferred (Art. 9(2) IPA) Article 9(3) IPA: transfer of IPA to ETC (transnational + interregional) ETC rules apply ("single set of rules for implementation") [ Article 24bis ETC] Article 4(7)+(8) ETC: return mechanism of ERDF back to ETC ETC CBC on internal borders

IPA II IPA Rules of application, including section on CBC Working group meeting with Member States 7 May 2013 Managing authority in Member State Framework agreements per beneficiary country Signature = condition for start of eligibility Financing Agreements to be signed year n+1 If not; return of ERDF MoU between MA and Partner country optional

IPA II Management models exclusively shared management by Member States Current "transitional arrangements" are not proposed anymore Selection procedures + Procurement Single set of rules for procurement by beneficiary MSt rules for procurement by MA under TA optional optional Co-financing by beneficiary countries at least 15% maintained

Integration into ETC programmes (Art. 24bis ETC) ENI under ETC transnational programmes Joint financ. management and integrated programme management (NEW!) just "EU funds"; single financing plan/ no breakdown ; monitoring of ENI on OP level Joint financ. management, but parallel programme management (as current SEE); financial split per fund IPA II under ETC transnational/interregional programmes Joint financ. management and integrated programme management (standard for current IPA CBC, but NEW for transnat./interreg.!) "EU funds"; single financing plan/ no breakdown; monitoring of IPA II on OP level Idem, but financial split in fc plan (as current SEE)

European Development Fund (EDF) 11th EDF for ACP and for OCT  DEVCO EDF financial envelope ACP 34.3 bill EUR of which 343.4 mill EUR for OCT 338.4 mill EUR for "territorial + regional programmes") [MSt Internal agreement outside the EU budget!] Only parallel management possible: EDF rules <-> ETC rules Article 4(4)-(6) ETC: NO transfer of ERDF, but: "coordination mechanism at appropriate level" (Art. 7(2)(c)(i) ETC) EDF Financial Regulation ("in 2013")

European Development Fund EDF-ACP "Implementing Reg" [Art. 19] Union trust funds with resources from ERDF and EDF (Art. 10) EDF-OCT "Implementing Reg" Regional cooperation ACP + non-ACP (incl. OCT) Proposal for OCT Association Decision Art. 87: "simplified mechanisms for joint management of (..) projects"

European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) JAP Article 93 CPR + 8 ETC If EGTC  “Steering committee” ITI Article 99 CPR + 11 ETC “Intermediate body” to carry out management and implementation  legal body or an EGTC (2 countries) CSF: inside ITI, part can be CLLD CLLD Article 28 CPR + 9 ETC “local development group" representing 2 countries

EGTC Article 11(3) ETC EGTC Sole beneficiary under ETC OUTSIDE ETC: Article 2(15) CPR EGTC = public law body may draw from different funds and programmes (e.g. to implement a cross-border employment basin, combining ETC and regional ESF programmes under IGJ goal) Article 87(2)(c)(v) CPR EGTC = governance tool for interregional cooperation under the IGJ goal

What is cooperation about? "We are Europeans by virtue of a complex interior activity of the brain, the flexible coping with our inner paradoxes, the pleasure we get from multiformity, the conversion of the diversity of our roles into creative tension; we are Europeans in our appreciating or intellectually sympathizing with different cultures, and in our confidence of not losing ourselves in so doing." György Konrád Aachen Charlemagne Prize recipient 2001