Perspective from the National Alliance for Radiation Readiness
Overview of the NARR Travelers Screening NARR Tabletop Exercise Travelers Screening Disclaimer: Information contained in this document does not constitute advice and does not represent the views of CDC or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Use of any provision herein should be considered only in conjunction with advice from legal counsel. Provisions may need to be modified, supplemented, or replaced to ensure appropriate citation to, or compliance with, relevant laws or to otherwise address the needs or requirements of a specific jurisdiction.
A coalition of organizations committed to improving the nations ability to prepare, respond, and recover from radiological emergencies at the local, state, and national levels 15 Member Agencies 10 Federal Partners Administered by the ASTHO through a cooperative agreement with the CDC, National Center for Environmental Health, Radiation Studies Branch
American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) American Hospital Association (AHA) Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Health Physics Society (HPS) International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO) National Disaster Life Support Foundation (NDSLF) National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) Society for Disaster Medicine and Public Health (SDMPH)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response/US Department of Health and Human Services (ASPR/HHS) US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) US Department of Energy (DOE) US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
To serve as the collective voice of health in radiological preparedness through the: Participation in national dialogues on radiological emergency issues Provision feedback on documents, policies, and guidelines Convening of partners to raise awareness of and resolve radiological emergency issues To build radiological emergency preparedness, response and recovery capacity and capabilities
Forum for sharing resources, tools, and best practices related to radiation planning, response, recovery
Interactive Sessions/Webinars Poison Control Center Collaborations with Public Health Radiation and Public Health Legal Considerations-2013 REP/Hostile Action Based Exercises- forthcoming 2014 Laboratory Prioritization Considerations Medical Community Education Project Passenger Screening Tabletop Exercise Development of New Guidelines Functional Exercise forthcoming
DHS, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) DHHS, CDC, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine (DGMQ) DHHS, CDC, Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects (EHHE)
CBP routinely employs a variety of radiation- detection technology at POEs to detect the presence of radioactive materials or contamination. Use personal radiation detectors To locate the source of an alarm, CBP officers use radiation isotope-identification devices to identify level and type of radiation to determine source
March 12-16, 2011 No comprehensive radiological contamination screening plan CBP identified three externally contaminated travelers March 23, 2011 CDC and CBP implemented entry screening at POE Enhanced screening at the mainland airports receiving direct flights from Japan. March 23 to April 30, 2011, CBP used the protocol to screen approximately travelers for radioactive contamination who were arriving directly from Japan at 25 US airports no travelers with contamination levels that warranted a public health response.
Traveler with Radioactive Contamination Detected by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Counts 2x Background Counts >2x and <20x Background Counts 20x Background Change Clothes and Rescreen CBP/CDC Contacts State Radiation Control Immediately State Radiation Control Assessment and Possible Intervention Potential Follow-up Activities: o Radiation rescreening o Epidemiologic assessment o Urine collection for CDC bioassay Passenger Released with Information State Public Health and Radiation Control Perform Follow-up CDC Contacts State Public Health CBP Sends Contact and Screening Information to CDC Traveler Released with Information <2x Background >20x Background If consent obtained >2x and <20x Background
CDC disseminated guidance and tools to state radiation control programs and state and local public health officials. epidemiologic assessment form recommendations for state radiation control program officers materials and instructions for collecting urine specimens
Performed by radiation control program External decontamination Epidemiological assessment Thyroid count Bioassay
At the airport Wash hands and face Change clothes At home Full shower Repeat gentle washing No special considerations for drain water or shavings Confirmed effectiveness by state radiation control program
Contact information Flight information Proximity to source release Travel details
Gamma detection instrument next to the patients neck If patients thyroid count is higher than background, it is indicative of radioactive iodine uptake Follow up with their physician for clinical evaluation
Urine bioassay can help identify if a traveler has internal contamination Subset of travelers who were close to the source
Purpose Identify key activities associated with traveler screening at an airport following an incident involving radiological contamination in another country Validate and identify improved passenger screening protocols Goal Enhance preparedness of federal, state, and local responders responsible for coordinating and conducting traveler screening at US airports following a radiological release
Emergency operations and coordination Emergency public information and warning Information sharing Non-pharmaceutical interventions Public health surveillance and epidemiological investigation Responder safety and health
Understand and/or identify state and local response requirements Clarify response roles and communication channels Inform next steps from epidemiologic assessment Identify key topics for public information releases Identify information to distribute to passengers and those potentially exposed at the airport
Explosion at a nuclear power plant in South Korea Prior to screening passengers are boarding flights headed to the U.S. 261 passengers on Plane passenger on Plane 2 Both flights will land in hours from now
How would notification occur? Which agencies? Which agency is the lead agency? What protocols exist? -Passenger screening? -Decontamination? -Lab testing? -Passenger information? Who will staff the arrival of the flights?
Calls from the families of passengers Is my family member safe? Have they been exposed? Will they expose me? What should I do with their luggage? Can we get potassium iodide? Questions from airport staff Questions from the public
How will passengers be processed as they deplane? Screening for internal/external contamination Will the passengers be isolated as they deplane? Which local/state public health authority and statues can be enforced? Are there any precautions taken to protect airport workers?
Will the passengers be asked to provide clinical samples? How will they be processed, transported, and reported? What data should be collected along with the samples for prioritization in analysis? Who will cover the cost of sample testing?
What if a passenger refuses screening? Who will cover the cost of laboratory testing and follow- up tests? If a passenger misses a connecting flight due to screening and is stranded, who is responsible for hosting the passenger?
Provides a cohesive guidance document to address screening and decontaminating travelers as necessary during a radiological contamination release in another country. Addresses all Ports of Entry into the U.S.
4 work groups Emergency Management Epidemiology/Surveillance Bioassay Communications
Finalization of drafts to occur in late April Final draft version to be cleared by CDC and DHS