Heavy metal emissions, measurements and needs for modelling in Croatia Amela Jeričević Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service
Emissions of As and Ni
Higher resolution emissions of HM in 10 km x10 km Provided from the EMEP4HR project Project took place from 2006-2009 Main goal developement of the EMEP model on the higher resolution, coupled with NWP Aladin to enhance national modelling capabilities One of the tasks was the developement of the higher resolution emission inventory
Emissions 1x 1 km2 50x50 km2 10x10 km2
Measurements National measurement network 2006-2010: Zagreb-1, Sisak-1 and Rijeka-1 daily HM Institute for public helth Zagreb. Rijeka and Split daily PM10 samples (gravimetric method) Metallic components determined by atomic absorption spectrometery +12 new background stations with HM measurements from precipitation will be established HM in deposited ambient dust (Bergerhoff method)- monthly samples (Rijeka,Split, Zagreb, Našice)
Measurements in 2009
Measurements of As and Ni in PM10
Modelling needs The EMEP4HR –no HM There is a need for a modelling results In the framework of this case study better understanding of processes influencing the levels of HM concentrations in the air as well as deposition rocesses will be provided through the evaluation of emissions and measurements