UTA Business Affairs https://www.uta.edu/business-affairs/ Year-End Prep 2019 All dates contained herein are current best estimates. Any changes will be communicated as needed in an official campus communication. UTA Business Affairs https://www.uta.edu/business-affairs/
Rolling a PO Forward “Rolling” is the PeopleSoft/UTShare terminology for moving an open encumbrance from the current Fiscal Year into the coming Fiscal Year. When all payments will NOT be completed in the current fiscal year.
Closing PO’s Whenever all activity is complete on a PO (e.g. there will be no more receipts or payments), the PO should be closed. This serves two purposes: Releases any remaining encumbrances back to the Cost Center(s) or Project(s) Clears them out of the system so there are fewer transactions to process at Year End
(allows you to pull all open encumbrances on PO’s by DEPT ID) Closing PO’s (con’t) Procurement is monitoring PO’s monthly and contacting departments regarding PO’s that appear they may be ready for closure. However, departments should also be using the various reports and queries available in UTShare to monitor their own Cost Centers, Projects and Budgets. FMS Reporting Tools>Query>Query Viewer>UTA_PO_OPEN_ENCUMBRANCE (allows you to pull all open encumbrances on PO’s by DEPT ID)
Canceling Travel Authorizations Travel and Expense reviews each month approved Travel Authorizations that have not been linked to an Expense Report. If the travel dates on the Travel Authorization are 90 days and older since the last day of travel, they are canceled. The creator is notified of the cancelation. After 60 days, becomes taxable income.
Canceling Travel Authorizations (con’t) Canceling a Travel Authorization will: Release any encumbrance Close the document The cancelation process is permanent.
Rolling a Travel Authorization As with PO’s, “rolling” is the PeopleSoft/UTShare terminology for moving an open encumbrance from the current Fiscal Year into the coming Fiscal Year. Why needed? When all reimbursements will NOT be completed in the current fiscal year (by 8/31/18).
Updating Budget and Accounting Dates On Expense Reports Outstanding Expense Reports that have not been completely approved have their budget and accounting dates updated. At this time, the budget and accounting dates are changed September 1st. If Travel Authorization is associated with an Expense Report, those dates are updated as well.
Updating Budget and Accounting Dates On Expense Reports (cont.) Once the update is complete, Travel and Expense re-budget checks all the documents that had previously been budget checked in order for processing to continue.
Updating Budget and Accounting Dates On Vouchers Disbursements will update all budget and accounting dates on all outstanding vouchers to September 1st. If the voucher was budget checked prior to the update, it will be re-budget checked in order for processing to continue.
Preparation for End-Of-Year 2019 Early May Preparation for End-Of-Year 2019 Procurement will notify departments of blanket orders ending 8/31. Departments will need to respond in one of the following ways: If there are renewals remaining, do we wish to renew? Still involves quite a bit of activity between Buyer, Vendor and Department If there are no renewals remaining then department must review and modify the scope of work/requirements (if needed) and a new competitive solicitation issued. 1
Early May (cont.) Department must provide Cost Center and Requester ID for each order so that Budgets can create a “dummy” budget in coming fiscal so a requisition can be entered with a budget date of 9/1. This is important in order to allow scheduling of workload and time for competitive solicitations where needed.
End of May Departments must submit their responses to Procurement by 5/31 regarding all Blanket Purchase Orders and their associated cost centers that need to be in effect 9/1. 1
July PO cleanup intensifies in order to close out any PO’s that are complete and do not need to be rolled to the coming fiscal year. Buyers working to complete orders for this fiscal year as well as working on renewals and new solicitations for orders that must be in place 9/1/2019 1
Mid July Requisitions for Current FY orders that are $15,000 are greater must be approved and sourced to a Purchase Order by 7/12. - This is critical to ensure that the Procurement process can be completed and PO issued prior to 8/31. Requisitions exceeding $15,000 sourced to a PO after this date will be cancelled and returned to the department. Requisitions can be re-entered after 9/1. 1
eForms for Monthly Payroll Week of 7/29 Travel & Expense Continues canceling Travel Authorizations that are 90 days past the last day of travel. Vouchers PO Vouchers - Will continue to focus on processing PO vouchers and processing payment prior to the published deadline of August 23. Procurement Procurement will email departments with list of all PO’s with a remaining encumbrance and request direction to either roll or close. Budgets Cost Center deficit balances must be taken care of and positive balances reported Friday, August 2 2 Payroll eForms for Monthly Payroll July 18th 1
Requisitions – Current FY Week of 8/12 Travel & Expense Continues canceling Travel Authorizations that are 90 days past the last day of travel. Vouchers PO Vouchers - Will continue to focus on processing PO vouchers and processing payment prior to the published deadline of August 23. Procurement Requisitions – Current FY August 16 is the last day to submit fully approved requisitions totaling less than $15,000 for FY 19 and last day for Mav eShop orders. 2 1
Accounting Corrections Week of 8/19 Travel & Expense Expense Reports August 23 is the last day to submit fully approved Expense Reports to be included in the final check run dated 8/31. Vouchers PO Payment Vouchers August 23 is the last day to process and submit PO Vouchers to be included in the AP check run dated 8/31. Budgets Last day to submit fully approved position funding changes for FY19 Friday, August 23. 2 Accounting Accounting Corrections Date TBD 1
Week of 8/26 Travel & Expense Rolling of Travel Authorizations ends August 30. Errors are addressed. Outstanding Expense Reports identified and made available for budget/accounting date updates via request to UTShared Information Services (UTSIS). Vouchers Disbursements will be strictly processing Non-PO Vouchers to be included in the current fiscal year. Final check run 8/31, noon. Procurement All POs not previously closed must be rolled by close of business, August 31. 2 Continued on next page 1
Week of 8/26 (cont.) Budgets Last day to submit fully approved budget transfers for FY19 Monday, August 26. Balance forward “estimated” entries will be posted by Friday, August 30. (FY20 Budget available Friday, August 30) Payroll eForms for semi-monthly payroll August 29th Accounting Cash Receipts and Petty Cash Date TBD 2 1
New Fiscal Year Travel & Expense Outstanding Expense Reports accounting/budget dates update completed before normal processing can resume. Balance forward details are submitted to the Office of Budgets and Financial Planning. Vouchers Sept. 1 Outstanding vouchers are mass updated with new fiscal year budget/accounting dates before normal processing can resume. Procurement Sept. 1 Requisitions for FY20 will be sourced to POs and processed as normal. This includes Mav eShop. 2 Continued on next page 1
New Fiscal Year – FY18-19 (cont.) Payroll Hourly Payroll Week of 9/1 August 29th Accounting Date TBD: Interdepartmental Transfers All Voucher Types Close FY 18-19 Procurement Pro-Card Statements Date TBD 2 1
Questions? Joe White Andrea Wright Assistant Director for Procurement Executive Director & Strategic Sourcing Accounting Services Procurement Services awright@uta.edu Josephsw@uta.edu 2-7074 2-6148 Randall Piatkowski David Maldanado Assistant Director of Disbursements Director Office of Procurement Payroll Services Piatkowski@uta.edu dmaldonado@uta.edu 2-0404 2-5426 Ginnie Cary Senior Director, Budgets, Planning & Analysis cary@uta.edu 2-0929 2 1