Hoy es de lunes ocho abril Objective: Learn affirmative and negative words in Spanish Campanazo Copy the phrase. Write the literal and English equivalent for each one. (follow ejemplo) Ejemplo: No quiero nada. Literal: I don’t want nothing. Eng. Equivalent. I don’t want anything. No cocino nada. Literal: English equivalent: No hablo por teléfono nunca.
(P. 284 Change the sentences to make them negative (P. 284 Change the sentences to make them negative. Write answers on back of campanazo)
In groups of 4, you will write a script to present to the class on Wednesday. You must use all of the negative expressions: Nada, Nadie, Ningun/o/a, Ni…ni, Nunca, Tampoco General Theme: Eating out in a restaurant Ideas: --- A family with kids who are picky eater trying to order something they can eat ---A blind date gone wrong ---Customers complaining about their food TAREA: Did you get it? Affirmative and negative words
Reflexión Without looking at your notes…. ¿Cómo se dice en español?... Nothing Nobody None Neither…..Nor Never Neither (me either)