Goffs-Churchgate Academy Year 11 Parent Support Evening
Core Subjects Information
ALL Tassomai is a way to help students to revise. It makes the decisions for the student & structures the revision. SOME Login (email): firstname.surname@grid.churchgate.herts.sch.uk If you need a new password (see Miss Bird)
If you need a new password (see Miss Bird) ALL ALL: weekly homework x7 (5 days a week you need to be doing your daily goal) MOST: weekly homework doing the bonus question SOME SOME: Additionally You can select individual topics to work on. Click: 1. Subjects 2. Paper 1 (Chemistry, biology or physics) 3. Units/Topic Login (email): firstname.surname@grid.churchgate.herts.sch.uk If you need a new password (see Miss Bird)
If you need a new password (see Miss Bird) ALL SOME Login (email): firstname.surname@grid.churchgate.herts.sch.uk If you need a new password (see Miss Bird)
If you need a new password (see Miss Bird) Login (email): firstname.surname@grid.churchgate.herts.sch.uk If you need a new password (see Miss Bird)
If you need a new password (see Miss Bird) There is a lot of content to cover in science – this will help recap and cover everything in the curriculum that they could be tested on in the exams in May. It also selects the weakest topics for the individual. Login (email): firstname.surname@grid.churchgate.herts.sch.uk If you need a new password (see Miss Bird)
If you need a new password (see Miss Bird) Login (email): firstname.surname@grid.churchgate.herts.sch.uk If you need a new password (see Miss Bird)
Ensuring your child thrives at home with their maths…
What is HegartyMaths? HegartyMaths is the best way for your child to learn maths on their own at home.
What is HegartyMaths? Every single topic in school maths (850+) is explained in 10 minute video tutorials designed and delivered by, Mr Colin Hegarty. Mr Hegarty is an-award winning teacher who won UK Teacher of the Year 2014 and was nominated in the top 10 teachers in the 2016 Global Teacher Prize. Your child does not have to feel stuck at home as Mr Hegarty can explain any topic to them.
What is HegartyMaths? HegartyMaths records everything your child ever does on the system (their progress and effort), reporting it back to the teacher and to the child so it’s clear what their strengths and weaknesses are and how hard they are working.
What is HegartyMaths? HegartyMaths allows a parent to see everything their child needs to learn and support them. Often parents who may be unsure of the schools methods like to watch the videos along with their child and understand the techniques their child needs to know.
What is HegartyMaths? After every video, HegartyMaths, has an assessment with questions covering everything taught in the video so students can practise and ensure they understand the maths Mr Hegarty just presented.
What is HegartyMaths? HegartyMaths, remembers all the child’s mistakes and gives them practice on their weaknesses so they can do impactful independent learning.
What does a homework on HegartyMaths look like? Step 1: Video where Mr. Hegarty teaches your child everything they need to know about that topic & goes through all the examples that will be in the quiz. Step 2: Quiz that will allow your child to practice all the examples in the video for themselves and know whether they understood what was in the video.
Step 1: You child needs to watch the video, take notes of all modelled examples. Your child will turn each video into fantastic notes in their HegartyMaths homework books. Your child will always produce a set of well-written notes of all the modelled examples in the video as we want your child to be an expert note-takers and to revise before they try the quiz. If your child knows the material, they should still take the notes as it’s a good habit and ensure they are producing revision notes every week.
Step 2: Your child then needs to assess their learning from the video in a quiz. Your child needs to: Write down every Q Always show all their workings Always mark and self-correct their work Your child will always show their workings and mark all questions they ever do. If your child can do the question in their head they still need to show their workings as that is part of being a great mathematician.
What to do if your child is stuck on their homework? There will always be an example in video that will cover an almost identical question to the one they are stuck on. They can also pull the video up in the quiz and scrub the video to the place that will help them on the one they’re stuck on.
What to do if your child is stuck on their homework? 1) Watch the video again really carefully ensuring all examples are copied and see if hearing and writing it down a second time helps. 2) Look at your building blocks. These are the lessons that will help you with your current homework. If these are not at 100% or less than the HegartyMaths avg. then you should redo those them as it will help on your current work. In the picture, the student will struggle with homework 547 as they have only 10% on lesson 546.
Why does your child always have to watch the video? Ensures your child will be successful: Watching the video will ensure your child will do well in the quiz and feel good about their homework and maths. We don’t want your child to feel like they are on their own at home and the videos will give you the support they need to guarantee that they have a successful homework. Helps improve their memory: Copying down modelled examples helps your child remember their maths and get it into their long term memory. Method marks: Copying down modelled examples helps your child practise how to lay out their maths properly to help them get questions correct and get extra method marks in exams even when they make mistakes. Good revision: This is revision. When revising one sometimes has to look over material one already knows – that’s just as important as learning new things as making old learning solid helps prevent students from forgetting things We thinks it’s important as it helps your child be indepdenent: Doing maths at home with these good habits and methods will help your child become more independent and be able to learn on their own (a vital life lesson).
What happens when students decide not to watch the video? Students get stuck and frustrated: Many students who just do the quizzes get really annoyed and frustrated with themselves as they make lots of mistakes and don’t understand why or how to get better. Students stay at the same level: Students who just practice questions only get questions correct on topics they already know and they get questions wrong for topics they don’t know yet. They never improve. Watching the video means that for things they already know, they will secure that knowledge, and for things they don’t know yet, they can learn and so get better.
What happens when students decide not to watch the video? “Mr Hegarty, I can’t do these homeworks as they are too hard and too I’m stupid!” (Hakim) Very low scores No video watched. Spent only 2 mins quiz. Hakim is upset and thinks he can’t do maths. He is wrong - HE CAN DO MATHS!!!! He is getting low scores as he is not watching the video or putting in enough effort.
What happens when students decide not to watch the video? Hakim smashes it!!!!!!!!! Mr Hegarty reminded Hakim that he needs to spend longer on his homework, watch the video, take notes and write down all his workings. The next week Hakim completed a much harder homework, got it all correct and wrote back a comment to say thanks and he now knows how to improve and succeed.
What happens when students use Hegartymaths properly? Students start enjoying maths and understand more in lessons. Students like doing their homework as they feel successful. Students do well in their exams.
What do other parents say? They like being able to understand what their child is learning. It allows them to participate and help They have seen their children become more confident and improve.
What if your child has completed all homework – what else could they do?
What if your child has completed all homework – what else could they do? 1) Use their donut to improve their weak areas: Your child can click the red section to find the quizzes they need to improve (quizzes under 70%) and redo them until they are amber (quizzes over 70%) or green (quizzes at 100%). Once they have made everything green or amber go back over the amber and try to get them to green. Click the red section and it will open up any lessons your child is under 70% on for them to redo.
8 things parents could do at home to help their child…
8 things parents could do at home to help their child…
Literature What your child needs to know about: Character arc Quotes The texts we study: Paper 1 Macbeth A Christmas Carol Paper 2 An Inspector Calls Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology What your child needs to know about: Character arc Quotes Language/Structure Analysis Author messages and theme
What should I know about each character? Language Analysis Can I explode the language of the quote? Key words Techniques Character Arc Early in the text During main events Towards the end. Quotes Do I know 3-5 quotes for each part of their arc? Author’s Messages What themes does the quote link to? What is the author trying to tell us about society?
The Revision Checklist of Everything Literature
Macbeth Crib Sheet
Lady Macbeth Quote 1: Quote 2: Quote 3: Mind Map Quote 4: MACBETH At the end At the beginning Core messages: After KD’s death Before KD’s death
Macbeth Cornell Method
Where can I find this information? In exercise books GCSE Pod BBC Bitesize Sparknotes
Language Can I revise for English? …Sort of The Exams: Paper 1: Fiction Reading Writing Paper 2: Non Fiction Can I revise for English? …Sort of Can I practice English? …Definitely
What can I revise? LANGUAGE Simile Metaphor Personfication Comparatives Figurative language Alliteration Juxtaposition Hyperbole Emotive language Anecdotes Semantic field Irony Imperatives Imagery Repetition Sarcasm Triplet Key Terms: Structure Narrative zoom/focus/shift Narrative perspective Foreshadowing Flashback (analespsis) Flash forward (prolepsis) Mood/atmosphere Suspense Mystery Pace Tension Tone Climax STRUCTURAL FOCUS Characterisation Description Setting Dialogue Thoughts WORD CLASSES Adjective Verb Adverb Noun Interrogatives
Where can I find tasks to practice? What can I practice? There are four sections in the exams: Paper 1 Section A: Responding to creative fiction Paper 1 Section B: Writing creative fiction Paper 2 Section A: Responding to non-fiction Paper 2 Section B: Writing non fiction Practice 1: Write one piece a week (either fiction or non fiction). Where can I find tasks to practice? Earlier this year students acquired a CGP “Language” model answer workbook. I have a pack of reading exam questions to give out today. Practice 2: Response to questions for one paper a week
Online revision This is an online resource which provides a series of pod casts which your child can listen to help them to revise for a whole range of subjects.
What’s included? Independent learning and revision materials: 21 GCSE subjects. Exam board specific. Available on computer, phone or tablet. Apps available for Android and Apple.
What’s included? Independent learning and revision materials: Each topic contains a playlist of 3-5 minute videos called “Pods.” Pods contain all key words, facts, quotes and labelled diagrams for full understanding. Can be watched online or downloaded for offline viewing (like BBC iPlayer). Students can organise Pods into playlists and favourite Pods to return to (like YouTube or Spotify).
How to support your child with revision
What have we done? We have invested in these online revision programmes to support your child at school and at home with revision. We have provided students with a personalised intervention programme. We have provided students with revision techniques, including a workshop from the University of Hertfordshire and Positively Mad. Given students techniques to help to cope with stress, from Relax Kids and Herts Mind.
What have we done? With the assignments completed in Sport and Business this time has been reallocated to provide subject specific intervention.
What have we done? Each student, for core subjects has been given an exam folder that contains a range of past papers. These folders must remain within school. However, students can use these during lesson time to practise exam questions.
How to support your child with revision Encourage them to spend the time using these on line revision systems. Create a realistic programme of revision. Talk to them about how they are coping with exam stress. Ensure they are eating and drinking. Ensure that they are getting enough sleep. Remind them that they can do this! Revise with them!
Emotional Wellbeing Year 11 is a stressful year and our dedicated Student Support Team are here to help. Within the how to support your child booklet we have also signposted online sites which you may find useful. Students have had an assembly from the Samaritans. Students have had a workshop from Relax Kids. Students will have a workshop with HertsMind
Practice bringing information from memory for better results. Retrieval Practice Practice bringing information from memory for better results. “Retrieval Practice” is a learning strategy where we focus on getting information OUT. Through the act of retrieval, or calling information to mind, our memory for that information is strengthened and forgetting is less likely to occur. This is important as exams are based on remembering more. We put the information in but students need to get the information out in the exam and prove what they know.
Retrieval Practice At-home activities using Retrieval Practice Practice bringing information from memory for better results. At-home activities using Retrieval Practice Watch a video or read some text with your child. Ask your child to write key words on a flash card. Watch the video again – your child should summarise their knowledge of each key word on the back of each flash card. Allow your child time to flesh out their cards with as much information as they can remember. Test your child by asking them to define the flash card words without looking. Covalent bond
Revise, rest, repeat…….space out revision for better results Spaced Practice Revise, rest, repeat…….space out revision for better results It has been proven that by reviewing at regular intervals, you can reduce how much you forget to just 10%.
Spaced Practice Revise, rest, repeat…….space out revision for better results Reviewing 4 times within a month can help you remember nearly 100% Immediately After Class 4 Hours Later Mind Mapping Encourage your child to write down all the key words they can remember. Then, from memory, ask them to fill in as much information as they remember on a mind map. Review Maps Cover your child’s mind map and see how much they remember. Highlight the information they couldn’t remember and recommend revising the topic again.
Spaced Practice Revise, rest, repeat…….space out revision for better results Reviewing 4 times within a month can help you remember nearly 100% 1 Week Later 1 Month Later Memory Cards Encourage your child to create their own questions with the answers on the reverse. Then, test their knowledge. Or give your child the answers and ask them to devise possible exam style questions. Past Papers Encourage your child to complete a revision task for 20 minutes and then practice past papers.
Combine both words and visuals for quicker and stronger recall Dual Coding Combine both words and visuals for quicker and stronger recall
Dual Coding Just reading text alone improves our memory by 10% in 3 days but looking at the picture we are likely to remember 65%. Watch a revision video together together, then using the images from the video suggest your child draws a poster combining the images with keywords and definitions. Copying the labelled diagrams in the videos helps the knowledge to stick!
Interleave revision to remember more Interleaving Interleave revision to remember more Interleaved practice is a learning technique that involves switching between topics and ideas and has been shown to improve long-term learning relative to blocked study of the same idea or topic.
Interleaving Interleave revision to remember more Ask your child to create a learning/revision timetable using the interleaved practice example below. They should choose topics that are similar and related either from the same subject or a different one. Less Effective Blocked Practice Highly Effective Interleaved Practice
We are here to help! Please contact us if you have any concerns, queries or problems The most successful students have a clear partnership between school and home. There are 30 school days left until the exams begin.