Bulgaria and The Transatlantic Economy Petar T. Ivanov, Executive Director, American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria Explore USA Conference, April 9th, 2019, InterContinental Sofia
1. U.S. Investments in Bulgaria
U.S. Investments in Bulgaria (1990 – 2016) U.S. investments in BG are statistically under reported. In fact they are twice as big: at least 5,7% of all FDIs (vs. 2,5% so far)
U.S. Investments in Bulgaria (1990 – 2016)
U.S. Investments in Bulgaria (1990 – 2016) 11,17% of all FDIs in Bulgaria come from the U.S.A. Focused in 5 strategic sectors: processing industry, energy, trade, ICT, agriculture
U.S. Investments in Bulgaria (1990 – 2016)
U.S. Investments in Bulgaria (1990 – 2016) The result: The U.S.A. are at 6th place among the country-investors in Bulgaria (out of 13th before the new data)
2. The Transatlantic Economy 2019
The Transatlantic Economy 2019 U.S. and EU are the biggest global market over 850 million people USD 5,5 trillion of the total global sales Over half of the global GDP > 16,000,000 jobs 55% of all U.S. investments come in Europe 54% of all investments in the USA come from Europe The Transatlantic Economy 2019, published by AmCham EU, and prepared by Daniel S. Hamilton and Joseph P. Quinlan
Transatlantic Economy: Bulgaria’s Data Bulgaria opened at least 102 jobs in the U.S. Bulgaria’s goods export to USA - USD 659 million USA’s goods export to Bulgaria - USD 382 million. Bulgaria’s services export to USA - USD 406 mln U.S. services exports to Bulgaria - USD 469 mln. The Transatlantic Economy 2019, published by AmCham EU, and prepared by Daniel S. Hamilton and Joseph P. Quinlan
Transatlantic Economy: Bulgaria’s Data Bulgaria’s Top 5 U.S. goods exports to U.S.: Computers and electronic production (USD 106 mln) Machinery manufactures (USD 81 mln) Apparel and Accessories (USD 75 mln) Chemicals (USD 75 mln) Crop production (USD 42 mln). The Transatlantic Economy 2019, published by AmCham EU, and prepared by Daniel S. Hamilton and Joseph P. Quinlan
Transatlantic Economy: Bulgaria’s Data The U.S. received 1,5% of the total goods Bulgaria exported to the world. But the U.S. share increases to 4.0% when the intra-EU trade is excluded from the total. The Transatlantic Economy 2019, published by AmCham EU, and prepared by Daniel S. Hamilton and Joseph P. Quinlan
Thank you.