Demographic Transition
1. Industrialization leads to declines in death rates, birth rates, and increases population size
2. Preindustrial Stage (pre-transition, stage): high birth rate (large families) and high death rate (child mortality, disease, and starvation) results in little population growth, and reduced quality of life What continent exhibits the highest crude birth and death rate?
What factors contribute most to the observed levels of birth rate, death rate, and low population in stage 1?
3. Transitional Stage (early transition, stage 2) Death rate quickly drops, birth rate remains high and then slowly drops and approaches death rate. Total Population increases rapidly
Why does population increase most rapidly in stage 2?
4. Industrial Stage: Birth rate continues to drop and approaches death rate. Life expectancy increases Why does birth rate decline during the industrial stage?
What is population momentum?
5. Post Industrial Stage Death rate stays low and may equal birth rate. What happens to population size?
B) Developing Countries and Demographic Transition What is current world population?
Many countries stay in transitional stage even with industrialization
Problems develop when population growth is greater than economic growth In what parts of the world is population growing most rapidly?
C) Family Planning Provides information on birth spacing, control, prenatal care, contraception and health care Trends As incomes increase people have smaller families Educated women have fewer children US program: Title X 1970, Richard Nixon
IPAT Equation Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology Population has a direct relationship with impact Technology: can either degrade or improve environment Affluence: measured using GDP, does not have a simple relationship to impact GDP: value of goods and services produced in a year
Worlds most populous countries
Works to reduce the number of births and abortions Responsible for a 55% drop in TFR in developing countries *Program successful China and Iran Goals: *Target teens and unmarried women *Provide education and birth control
D) Rule of 70 1. Indicates time required for population or economy to double 2. DT = (70/growth rate %)
What is the environmental impact of human population growth?