INTERESTING ……. WHAT AN AMAZING ARCHITECT THEY ARE !!!!! 有趣的......。它們是一 個了不起的建築師 !!!!! ”鳥兒築巢” The man in Alargeoai filmed moments to build a house for the old couple in the window of the house, which lives in it and a couple of species of birds and who took them to 600 pictures to follow the changes in the home or the nest from time to time .. After that, the sort the images even provided an appropriate set describes the change in construction with the days, the young man says he was watching the construction process and Tairan working from 8 to 10 hours a day and take one day of rest per week and construction took almost a month .. The top of the engineering work in building this nest skill and proficiency of these birds Glory to God the Creator, who taught them .. See pictures stages of building the nest :
The End