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Presentation transcript:

The PowerLanguage Platform Das deutsche Alphabet The PowerLanguage Platform © PowerLanguage™ Ltd

The PowerLanguage Platform Die Vokale: A E I O U The PowerLanguage Platform © PowerLanguage™ Ltd

The PowerLanguage Platform UMLAUTE: Ä Ö Ü Y (ypsilon) The PowerLanguage Platform © PowerLanguage™ Ltd

The PowerLanguage Platform Konsonanten, die mit “E” enden: B(e) C(e) D(e) G(e) P(e) T(e) W(e) The PowerLanguage Platform © PowerLanguage™ Ltd

The PowerLanguage Platform Konsonanten, die mit “E” beginnen: (e)F (e)L (e)M (e)N (e)R (e)S (e)ß = scharfes (e)S The PowerLanguage Platform © PowerLanguage™ Ltd

The PowerLanguage Platform Konsonanten, die mit “A” enden: H(a) K(a) The PowerLanguage Platform © PowerLanguage™ Ltd

The PowerLanguage Platform Besondere KONSONANTEN J Q V X Z The PowerLanguage Platform © PowerLanguage™ Ltd